Dhane wara S ri: Dhane wara Sri was a great and influential ac. According to the chronological descriptions of V had gaccha, he converted 701 Digambara monks to his gaccha and made them his disciples. Dhane wara Sri consecrated an idol of Lord Mah v ra in Caitrapura. Due to his the large number of his followers and devotees became poplar as Caitra gaccha. This Caitra gaccha is in fact a branch of Bada or V had or V had PAU adha lika gaccha. Another popular name of Caitra gaccha is Citrav la gaccha. With the assistance of c rya Deva Bhadra ga i of Caitra gaccha, 42nd c rya of Bada gaccha (Tap virudadhara) Jagaccandra, eliminated the deeply entrenched laxity in the conduct of monks and the religious tax imposed by the ruler earlier. There are mentions in literature that Jagaccandra received knowledge from Deva Bhadra ga i.
Garga i: In Vikram 10th century a famous scholar c rya by the name Garga i existed. He was a crya of Niv tti lineage. Garga i or Garg c rya died in Vikram 912. His co-monk Durgasw m also dies in Vikram 902.
Kavi Caturmukha: In Vikram 8th century, an able poet by the name Caturmukha existed. He composed in Apabhram a ‘Ri hanemi carium (Harivam apura)' and 'Pauma carium (Padma Pur a)'.
Kavi Svayamabh and Tribhuvana Svayambh: In Vikram 9th century, both these poets who were father and son composed 'Ri hanemi carium', and 'Pauma carium' and 'Svayambh 'chanda'. Being of very high literary content, all these three texts by the two poets are considered as jewels in Jain literature. Svayambh - chanda' by poet crya Svayambh is a high level chanda text.
Vijaya Simha S ri: Disciple of c rya Samudra S ri of N gendra gaccha, Vijaya Simha S ri composed a Pr k ata story text called 'Bhuvana Sundar ’ having 8911 g th s (or verses in Pr k ta) in Vikram 97, 5or V.N. 15th century.
c rya Hari e a: In V.N. 15th century, a great scholar and composer of texts from Digambara tradition, by the name Hari e a existed. In Vikram 988 or aka 853, he composed a story poetic text called ' r dhan Kath ko a' with 12500 verses in Vardham napura. It is a very important text