Mah sumi a and the loss of respective scripture with them.
Composition of this text i.e. Titthog 1 Painnaya, based on other texts is estimated as 3rd century V.N.
epochal- c ryas
According to Dussam
Sama asamghathayam (chronology of epochal- c ryas) by Dharmagho a S ri, it was composed in Vikram 1327-1357 (V.N. 1767-1827)
Under such circumstances, it becomes extremely important to consider the writings in Titthog li Painnaya.
R ja gaccha
R ja gaccha had been a very glorious gaccha of vet mbara sect. Number of influential and scholar c ryas belonged to this gaccha. So they have contributed immensely to the preaching and spreading of Jainism.
The description of the origin of this gaccha as available in Jain literature is briefly given below.
King of Talav ḍ (before inhabitation of Tahanagadha a capital town nearby) who later on became famous as Nanna S ri, in his life as a householder went on dear hunt. Aiming at a herd of running dears in the forest, he shot an arrow. When he went near the herd, he found that a pregnant female dear was hit by his arrow. Seeing the female dear and her newly born cub suffering in pain, the king started hating himself and repented. While repenting for the sin, he developed total detachment from the world. Leaving his kingdom, family and palace like a straw, he left Talavāḍā. Due to his meritorious karmas he met a monk belonging to forest dwelling tradition. The king listened to the essence of religion. Understanding the true doctrine, he immediately got initiated into monkhood with that monk. The newly initiated monk was given the name Nannamuni. With great humility and diligence, monk Nanna learned many skills and scriptures. c rya of forest dwelling tradition, seeing his end in sight and thinking of Nanna as fully competent anointed Nanna to the post of a c rya.