This man immediately returned to K nyakubja and presenting himself in the service of King ma R ja gave the response to his verse. ma R ja became very happy on solution to his problem. ma R ja immediately gave one lakh gold coins to the man and asked him? The man immediately told that the problem had been solved by c rya Bappa Bha and he is enhancing the glory of the royal court of Gauda king Dharma.
The next day Kingma R ja wrote a very humble letter in a heart touching language and seeking forgiveness with a request for c rya Bappa Bha to immediately return to Kannauja. He then sent the most respected elders of his court with the letter to c rya Bappa Bha.
c rya Bappa Bha repeating the promise he had made to King Dharma to the ambassador of King ma R ja said, 'Until King ma R ja himself comes to the court of King Dharma, seek forgiveness about my return to Kannauja. I am bound by my vow to King Dharma not to leave Lak a vat . Therefore please go and tell ma R ja that he should come here quickly and fulfil my vow to King Dharma so that I can return to Kannauja.' On the same day, Bappa Bha also composed deep meaning verses and sent the same to King ma R ja with his ambassador.
On receiving the verbal and written response from Bappa Bha through his ambassador, ma R ja became impatient to present himself in the service of his guru. K nyakubja king had deep animosity with the Gauda king. In spite of this, to bring back dearer than his own life Bappa to Kannauja, he disguised himself even at the risk to his own life, presented himself in the service of his guru Bappa and King Dharma in his royal court.
Bappa Bha in difficult, disguised, multiple meaning and synovial words introduced ma R ja to King Dharma. In a same tone using difficult, disguised, multiple meaning and synovial words, ma R ja also gave his true introduction to King Dharma R ja and presented his request in a dramatic manner to take crya Bappa Bha back to K nyakubja.
All these happened in such a secret and unique manner that no one else except c rya Bappa Bha and ma R ja could have even an inkling that Kannauja Kingma R ja had presented himself in front of King