As against this and his vow to uproot Buddhism from its roots in front of
amkar c rya, he went in disguise to the famous Buddhist University at N lamd and studied Buddhist doctrine under the guidance of Buddhist c rya Dharma P la who was also the principal of N lamd University.
After acquiring excellence in Buddhist doctrine, he invited Dharma P la for scriptural debate on pre-agreed terms. crya Dharma P la was defeated by Kum rilla in this debate. As per the terms agreed, Dharma P la burnt himself to death in a lump of dry fodder.
Kum rilla forced his guru Dharma P la to die in fire of fodder. As per the doctrine of his guru Jaimin and with deep faith in God, he also gave highest priority to karmas and as repentance for his dastardly act committed suicide by burning himself in fire of fodder.
amkar c rya
The great rejuvenator and establisher of Advaita (Brahm dvaita) doctrine, amkar c rya in the dream period of 32 years of his life composed huge corpus of Vedic literature. Alongwith this, he also established supremacy of Advaita doctrine from Himalayan kingdoms of Tibet and Nepal in north to southern coast, from the oceans in the east to the oceans in the west of this land of ryas. In this process, he moved at a fast pace all over the country, he refuted not only Jainism and Buddhism but even pseudo Vedic traditions like S mkhya, Naiy yika, M m m aka, Vai e ikas etc to establish supremacy of his Brahm dvaita doctrine. Seeing him, all other scholars used to conclude that in his time,
amkar c rya was possessed with unique intelligence, highly influential, exemplary aura, unique diligence and undefeatable debating skill amongst all dharms.
At the delicate age of 12, he acquired heart rendering expertise in Vedas
ed mgas. By composing great bh yas on "Prasth natray' at the age of sixteen, he astonished the scholars and experts of that time in this land of ryans.
The basic mantras of his Advaita doctrine were 'tat tvamasi' and 'j vo brahmaiva n parah'. To see the prosperity and then all pervading influence of Vedic doctrine Brahm dvaita on this land of ryas was the only desire amkar c rya had. To achieve his hidden desire / agenda, he