After Bhavadatta left for his heavenly abode, Bhavadeva had a strong desire to see N gil . Just like how water gushes out of a broken dam, he rushed towards his village Sugr ma, without even taking the permission of his elderly monks. Reaching close to his village, he rested near a temple for a while.
Sometime later a woman belonging to a respectable family came there along with a Brahmin lady. She bowed to Bhavadeva monk. Bhavadeva monk asked the woman as “ r vike! Are Arjava R raka and his wife Revati alive?”
The woman replied, “Revered Monk! It has been a long since they departed from this world.”
Hearing this, the monk's face was covered with the dark clouds of gloom. After a few moments of silence and deliberation, he asked with slight hesitation, “O righteous one! Is N gil , the wife of Bhavadeva alive?”
The woman was taken aback listening to this question. She looked at the monk and had a notion that the monk could probably be Bhavadeva himself.
rya Bhavadeva and what is you
She questioned, “How do you know doing here alone?"
Bhavadeva replied, "I am rya rjava's younger son Bhavadeva. As per the wishes of my elder brother Bhavadatta, without even the consent of my newly-wedded wife and with reluctance, I shamefully renounced. Lest name is taken among the despicables, I came here with the motive of fulfilling my long-lasting desire of taking a look at the lotus-face of N gil . O respectful lady! I am sure that you recognize N gil . How is my N gil ? How charming is she? And how does she look like?
The Female-votary said, "She just looks exactly like me. There are no distinctive characteristics in both of us. But I could not understand one thing. All the while, you have been observing the holy monkhood ( rama c ra). Now, why do you now want to meet N gil ?