(sermon of omniscient or doctrine). So it was granted with the first place in the listing of Dw da mg.
All the T rthamkaras of the remote past preached the principles of
cr mga. The present T rthamkaras who reside in Mah videha also first follow and preach cr mga and later the remaining eleven and the same procedure will also be followed by the T rthamkaras of future generation. Even Ga adharas also compile, following the same convention. This illustrates the supremacy of c r mga.
gama literature provided many substantial evidences that only the sage who was well-versed in cr mga was considered fit to become Up dhy ya (holy teacher) or c rya (holy preceptor). It was compulsory for monks and female monks to study cr mga. Besides, a provision was also made to give a minor punishment to those who study other scriptures without thoroughly studying cr mga, which was four months of repentence (Pr ya cita). Apart from this, both Monks and Female monks who could not gain the knowledge of cr mga were not assigned any responsibility (position in the congregation). These facts reveal the status enjoyed by cr mga.
2. S trak t mga
S trak t mga is the second gama of the Dw da mg. Allotted the second place after the cr mga, it is said in Samav y mga that this
gama deals with the tenets of Jainism and other religions, soul and nonsoul objects, merit-demerit, Karmic influx ( srava), spiritual path (Samvara), dissociation of karma (Nirjar ), bondage (Bandha) liberation (Mok a) etc. and beneficial preaching to the newly initiated persons. It consists of the debates of 108 Action oriented (Kriy v d) doctrines, 84 Inaction (Akriy v d) doctrines, 76 Ignorance (Aj nav di) doctrines and 32 Humility /veneration (Vinayav d) doctrines. Thus, it discussed about 363 other doctrines. Analysing and reviewing all these doctrines, it is concluded that non-violence is the keystone of any religion and is the best attribute.
S tra k at mga has 2 ruta ska dhas. The first ruta ska dha has 16 and the second has 7 lectures; in all 23 chapters, 33 topics, 33 sub topics and 36000 verses.