Female monk Rudrasom
If a family is bestowed even with one member, who is completely bent towards spiritualism with all his soul, utmost devotion and faith, that person uplifts the entire family in the true sense. The life of Rudrasom is a living example of this fact.
Rudrasom was the wife of Somadeva, a scholar in Vedas. Somadeva was a royal priest to the king of Da apura. He was immensely honoured and loved by the royal family, courtiers, society and people. Rudrasom was a staunch devotee of Jain religion.
Rudrasom gave birth to a very fortunate child in V.N. 522, named Rak ita, who became an influential propagator epochal- c rya of the Jain congregation. The second son of Rudrasom was Phalgu Rak ita. After finishing his primary education, Somadeva sent his son Rak ita to P al putra for further studies. Studying there for many years, the very intelligent and perspicacious Rak ita learnt all the Vedas including the six Amgas. After being well-versed in all the disciplines, when Rak ita returned to Da apura in V.N. 544, the king and the people honoured him by giving a grand welcome and celebrating his entry into the city. However, Rudrasom did not show any enthusiasm at all. When Rak ita asked about her indifference, she answered in a composed manner, "Son! Is there any mother in this world who does not feel happy at the success of her son? Everyone is happy with your success. Your education is helpful in providing familial comforts and happiness. It is also helpful in securing the necessities of your kith and kin in order to take good care of them. It is limited to that extent only. But it is not at all helpful for uplifting one's own soul or that of others or for spiritual enhancement. Son! To tell you the truth, I would have experienced real happiness had you returned after studying the D iv da, which is full of spiritual knowledge”.
The innate desire of his mother expressed with benevolent feelings got completely imprinted in his heart. He questioned his mother, “Where can
learn D iv da?" Rudrasom told him about rya To aliputra who camped in Ik uvik , outside the town. At dawn, Rak ita paying respects to his mother went to rya To aliputra with great zeal to learn D iv da.