Caityav si (Temple dwellers)
From the times of rya Sudharm to the period before rya S manta Bhadra S ri, Jain monks used to live mostly in forests and gardens. In 'Nirayavalik S tra' it is mentioned that Sudharm Sw m took resolution, in the garden called Gu a la and wandered. Under some exceptional circumstances, certain monks at times might have stayed in lodgings (vasativ sa); but till that time, mostly they stayed in the forests during their wanderings. In spite of this, these monks were recognized as of 'Nirgramtha tradition' and not as 'Vanav si tradition'. Next comes the time period of S manta Bhadra S ri, who with his entourage of monks was being called as Vanav si Gaccha'. In order to prevent the increasing influence of staying, rather camping at the lodgings as make-shift houses, he started propagating 'staying in forests'. This was an encouraging effort to prevent the monks from being weakened in the observance of the holy path and austerities. But this type of strict arrangement on the part of the monks could not sustain for long due to the changing times, lack of self-confidence and determination of the monks.
This can also be stated beyond doubt that the convention of camping in forests and gardens renewed by S manta Bhadra could not continue for long. Gradually going through alterations and modifications, ultimately it took the form of Caityav sa, a dwelling in monasteries or temples by V.N. 808.
The more the rama as were lured by the royal patronage and honour, the more they deviated from the path of temperance. Indifference and disinterest for studying the scriptures increased in degrees and following the basic principles of conduct of Dharma remained only in words. Thus infatuated with the comforts and luxuries of life, they preferred shifting from Vanav sa (living in forests) to Vasativ sa (living in monasteries / lodgings). Since then Caityav sa metamorphosed into Mathav saUp rayas (living in monastery lodgings) of the Yati-society.
When c rya S manta Bhadra of Candra lineage started the concept of living in forests, a momentum started even in the rama as of other Kulas like N gendra, Candra, Nivritti and Vidhy dhara who followed his example and were called as 'Vanav si Gacchas'. But owing to the difficult times, they encountered many problems while living in forests.