(Caturda a prvas) and later the remaining Da iv da including Ek da mg separately. Though the meaning of the Dw da mg written independently by the eleven ga adharas (based on the preaching of the Lord Mah v ra) is same, but the style is different.
Of the eleven ga adharas of Lord Mah v ra, seven ga adharas had each one gana and thus seven Ga as; the eighth and ninth ga adharas together had one ga a; the tenth and eleven ga adharas together had one ga a. In this way, altogether, (7+1+1) there were nine ga as. Though ga adharas were 11, ga as were 9. As there are nine ga as so there are nine compositions of Dw da mg. Except Indrabh ti Gautama and Sudharm , the remaining nine ga adharas entrusted the responsibility of their ga as to rya Sudharm during the lifetime of Lord Mah v ra. They obtained liberation, observing the monthly practice of pious death (P dopagamana Samthr). Their seven ga as thus merged into Sudharm 's ga a.
Even Indrabh ti Gautama, 12 years after V.N., after entrusting his ga a to, rya Sudharm , became Siddha, i.e. attained liberation.
Thus the disciples of ten ga adharas and their eight scriptural discourse (v can s) compositions went into oblivion after the nirv a of their respective ga adharas. As a result, the lineage of Sudharm 's disciples and his composition of Dw da mg only survived.
Two different opinions are found in the scriptures of Digambara sect regarding the composition of Dw damg. In Sarv rtha Siddhi V tti, which elaborates the Tattv rtha S tra, it is made clear that Dw da mg was written by all the Ga adharas. The quote says, “Omniscient T rthamkara distr buted his incomprehensible and unperceivable wealth of knowledge to his disciples through divine sound. With the newly gained knowledge through the preaching of Lord, and with the enlightened and enhanced intellects, the rutakeval ga adharas, compiled scriptures which are called as Amga Prva Lak a a or Dw da mg." According to the second opinion, Indrabh ti Gautama had written Dw da mg in one muhurat on the very same day after listening to the meaningful discourses of Lord on gamas.