The rulers of Padm vati, after Bhiman ga were as follows: Skanda N ga, B haspati N ga, Vy ghra Naga, Deva N ga, and Ga apati N ga. The Bh ra ivas established cordial relations with the Guptas and the Vk akas through matrimonial alliances, because of which India enjoyed independence for a long time, without any threat of foreign invasion, thanks to these three dynasties.
The Bh ra iva dynasty branched out into 3 units. Main branches of K ntipur
1. | Navan ga 2. ViraSena 3. | Hayan ga 4. Trayan ga
5. | Brhinn ga 6. Carajan ga 7. | Bhavanaga 8. Rudrasena , the king of V k aka dynasty
(Bhavan ga's daughter's son, whom Bhavan ga made the king of Purik )
Branches of Padm vat
Bh man ga Ska dhan ga B haspatin ga
4. 5.
Vy ghran ga Devan ga Ganpatin ga (His coins were found in large numbers)
After Ga apati N ga probably N gasena succeeded to the branch of Padm vati. According to the Allahabad inscription, written by poet Hari e a, N gasena was defeated and overthrown by Samudragupta, in his first expedition itself. The great poet laureate B a, in his 'Har acaritra' mentioned that N gasena was the king of Padm vat , and described his foolishness.
The names of the kings of Mathura branch are not available.
The rise of V k aka dynasty
Prior to the advent of the Gupta power, the V k akas ruled over a vast territory in India. The Republican States like Arjun yana, M draka, Youdheya, M lawa, etc, the kings of Punjab, Rajaputana, M lawa,