from the soul molecules. The third Nik cita Karma is compared with the cluster of needles that are heated and hammered together. Once again, to recover the needles, the lump should be melted and casted into the moulds of needles. Similarly, Nik cita Karma can be shed off only by bearing the consequences.
After listening to the explanation of Karmika bondage given by Vindhya monk, Go h m hila said, “O Sage! If you interpret Karma in such a way then it implies that Karma is bound to the soul molecules in an inseparable manner. As such, the soul can never be freed from the clutches of Karma. The relation between the soul and the Karma is so peripheral like that of a man and his garment. The garment just touches the body of a person who wears it but does not bind him. Similarly, Karma and the soul are unlike milk and water, which is inseparable after mixing; the Karma just touches the soul and no more than that."
Listening to Go h m hila's illogical argument, c rya Vindhya said, “This is the way our Guru taught us.” Go h m hila replied, “What more can one expect from a Guru, who himself was ignorant about it."
This created a doubt in the mind of plain-hearted Vindhya monk. He narrated the entire incident to his crya and asked to clarify the matter explaining the meaning of this S tra.
Durbalik Pu yamitra said, “O Noble Monk! Whatever you said is correct. However the interpretation of Go hm hila is very inappropriate. He argues that if one accepts the relation of the soul with Baddha, Baddha-Spa and Nik cita karmas, it does imply that the living being and the soul are inseparable. This, in itself is a contradictory statement. The end or separation of y Karma (the Karma that determines the lifespan of a living being in a destiny) is evident in the form of death. The separation of Karma is done by special effort. Even the inseparable bond of an iron ball with the fire can also be separated by effort. On heating, the heat spreads into every cell of the iron ball, and when quenched, it becomes cool, free of fire or heat. In the same manner, k rmika cells combined with soul space points (Prade a) can be separated by 'Right Knowledge and practice of “Right Conduct" together. Thus the soul freed from karma obtains its elevated state,