He gathers the things necessary for the maintenance of a rama a's life and makes relevant arrangements. If we assess his position from this point of view, no doubt his position is one of great importance. As he successfully fulfils the responsibility of collecting the necessary things, the work of crya to that extent gets much reduced as far as the administrative work of the congregation is concerned. As such, the
c rya finds ample time for the progression of both the religion as well as the congregation and for related works.
SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Some special qualifications were perceived as essential to nominate a monk to these positions. Under extraordinary circumstances, provisions are also made to take any exceptional decision. It is useful to quote some of the aspects from the Vyavah ra S tra and Bh ya.
| Minimum scriptural monkhood
Knowledge period
Special Qualification
Up dhy ya
3 years
Should know cr mga and Ni tha
Calm and composed, well-informed in scriptures and should be a scholar
c rya/ Up dhy ya
5 years
Apart from the above mentioned, should know Da ruta Ska dha, B hat Kalpa & Vyavah ra S tra
Same as above
c rya/ Up dhy ya/ Pravartaka/ Sthavira/Ga i/ Ga adhara & Ga avicchedaka
| 8 years
Above mentioned + Sth n mga and Samav c mga
Same as above + Efficient in temperance, discourse, Praj, Samgraha and Upagraha and conduct should be flawless, taintless, pure and unblemished calm and composed and well-versed in scriptures.