When Sunand came to know about the angels in the behaviour of the child and that he became chubby under the loving care of Female-votary
ayy tar, unable to resist the desire to have a look of him, went to the lodging, one day. When she saw that her child was handsome and healthy and in a good mood, her motherly love and instinct gushed like the tide of an ocean. She begged ayy tar to return back her son, but
ayy tar did not agree. Out of affection, she would visit regularly and breast feed her son. Thus, Vajra became three years old. Because of the knowledge of his former births, he used to take only unblemished food and was fond of listening to the scriptures from the Female monks.
In course of time, rya Simhagiri wandering many places came to Tumbavana along with his disciples. Sunand went to Dhanagiri and pleaded him to return her son.
rya Dhanagiri explaining to her the conduct of ascetics, said, “O Female-votary! We, the monks follow the principles of monkhood and so cannot return the alms we once receive. Like clothes, receptacle etc; similarly we cannot return even child Vajra whom we received once. You too are well acquainted with the principles of Dharma. When you accepted and gave your word once, it is now not appropriate to violate it. With rya Samita and your friends as witnesses, you gave the child Vajra to me and said, 'I am giving the boy to you. And henceforth I will never talk anything about him'. So you should stick to your promise."
rya Dhanagiri's efforts to convince Sunand and to make her adhere to her word fell on deaf ears. Even the members of the congregation also tried to dissuade her. But the adamant Sunand went to the king and lodged a complaint pleading justice. The judicial officers, after thorough enquiry, gathered the relevant information from both the sides, and placed before the king the complicated case to resolve. Listening to the entire matter of giving up the boy and demanding him back again, the king and judges were in a fix, as one side, the mother was anxious to get her son back and on the other, Sunand herself willingly gave her son to the monk, who is the father of the son and was once her husband. Since he was given to the monk he belongs to the congregation. The congregation, as such, is the paramount power; even the T rthamkaras respect and obey the congregation. After much deliberation, the king