chance my Guru V ddhav d ?" No sooner did such contemplation cross his mind, than Sidhasen got down from the palanquin, and recognising V ddhav d, felt abashed and pleaded for forgiveness.
During the conversation to make sure that Sidhasena stays more deeprooted in his practice of spiritual purification, V ddhav d uttered the following stanza and asked him the meaning:
A afullipa fulla ma toḍai, m m rov moḍahim || Ma akusumehim achchi niramja u, himḍahi k mi va e ava u || 14 || (from Prabamdha Ko)
Even after reflecting for a long time Sidhasena could not get the real meaning of it. Then V ddhav d explained the meaning to him
"A afullipa fulla ma toḍai” which means, Siddhasena! The tree of yoga had borne the flowers of name, fame and power. Do not pluck the flowers in their immature stage without allowing them to grow into the fruit of absolute knowledge.
"M m rov moḍahim" - meaning, do not needlessly stamp and crush the saplings of great vows.
"Ma akusumehim achchi niramja u" which means, worship Jinendra Deva with the flowers of virtuousness that bud in the heart; or worship the transcendental Lord with the blossoms of the heart and soul.
"himḍahi k mi va e ava u"- which implies that just like a person who roams aimlessly from one forest to another, why are you engrossed in prodigal and improvident acts like entertaining the king and so on? What a wonderful education!
After listening to V ddhav d, Siddhasena sanctified himself following the vow of locan (confessions and self-criticism) at the holy feet of the Guru. He firmly stabilised himself in the practice of self-restraint and taking the permission from the king, set off on his religious travels along with V ddhav d.
In reference to the language used in Jain scriptures, the Brahmin scholars used to say that the Jain c ryas were unaware of Sanskrita language