rya y ma was also known as K lak c rya (first). All together, there were four different K lak c ryas during different periods of time.
The political and religious scenario during rya y ma's leadership
During the tenure of rya y ma, who was the 13th discourse- c rya and also the 12th epochal- c rya, the reigning King Pu yamitr patronised Vedic religion. As a result, the Vedic rituals like Yaj as and sacrifices, gained more popularity. Pu yamitr performed the A wamedha sacrifice, probably sometime during V.N. 330 and 340. According to Greek historians, the year of the A wamedha sacrifice was performed around V.N. 347 (170 B.C).
With the performance of the A wamedha Sacrifice by Pu yamitr , a kind of wave spread throughout the Country about performance of sacrifices. Many small and big sacrifices have been performed in different parts of the Country. Hence, many inscriptions are available which mention the several yagnas performed during the reign of the mga Kings.
The mga dynasty was founded in V.N. 323, when rya Balissaha was a discourse- c rya. After the death of Pu yamitr mga in V.N. 353, his son Agnimitra ascended the throne of Magadha. Not much information is available in Jain literature, about the other kings and their reigning period of this dynasty. The following information is available about the king of the mnga dynasty and their reign in the epic literature:
1. Pu yamitra 2. Agnimitra 3. Vasujye ha 4. Vasumitra 5. Bhada 6. Pulindaka 7. Gho a 8. Vajramitra 9. Bh gavata 10. Devabh ti
36 years 08 years 07 years | 10 years
02 years 03 years 03 years 01 year
32 years | 10 years
A careful observation of the regimes reveals the fact that other than Bh gavata, the ninth ruler of this dynasty, the other rulers' reign was