The King of Kalimga, Mah meghav hana Kh ravela assembled together the entire four-fold congregation for reciting the canons at Kum ragiri hills. The two brothers also participated in it. They had 5 disciples.
1 rya Indradinna - group- c rya 2 rya Priyagramtha - Occulist 3 rya Vidy dhara Gop la 4 rya idatta and 5 rya Arhadatta.
Except his name, no other information is available about Supratibaddha.
Royal Dynasty during the period of rya Balissaha
After the departure of rya Mah giri to heaven, rya Balissaha became the group- c rya of Mah giri's Ga a in V.N. 245. After that he became the discourse- c rya of the congregation. However, information is not available as to how many years he held the rank of crya. Based on the information available in different texts, only a rough presumption can be derived.
According to Himavamta Sthavir val, rya Balissaha attended the council of the four-fold congregation organised by Mah meghav han Bhikkur ya, the King of Kalimga, at Kum ragiri, so as to revive and reestablish the knowledge of the Prvas and the Ek da mg. It is a historical fact that after killing B hadratha, the last king of Magadha V.N. 323, his Commander-in-Chief, and Pu yamitr mng ascended the throne. Upon the request of the Jain populace of Magadha, to protect them against the atrocities of Pu yamitr , Bhikkur ya attacked Magadha and defeated Pu yamitr twice.
Later, in order to uphold the canonical scriptures, Bhikkur ya organised a large assembly of rama as, ramas, Votaries and Female-votaries at Kum ragiri, to compose, compile and restore the Amga stra and the knowledge of Prvas.
The aforesaid council by Bhikkur ya Kh ravela is believed to have been organised after 323 V.N., between 325 and 329. It is so because, afte nirva of Mah v ra, the Kingdom of Magadha was ruled by the Mauryan Dyansty for 108 years. Thus, Pu yamitrascended the throne of Magadha in 323 V.N.