Next day when his mother Bhadr , came to know about the incident from Suhast, she with her 31 daughters-in-law, excluding one who was pregnant, took initiation into the rama a dharma.
Disciples of Mah giri
According to Kalpas tra, the disciples of rya Mah giri sequentially are as follows:
Sthavira Uttara (Bahula) Sthavira Balissaha Sthavira Dhan dhya (Dhanagupta) Sthavirar dhya Sthavira Kaudinya Sthavira N ga Sthavira N gamitra Rohagupta of Kou ika Gotra
A Ga a known as Uttar Balissaha, originated from the names Sthavira Uttara and Sthavira Balissaha, which had the following 4 branches:
1 Kau mbik 2 uktivatik 3 Kodamb
and 4 Candan gar
Line of rya Suhast 's Disciples
The disciple family of c rya Suhast was very large. Out of them, there are twelve important disciples, whose names are as follows:
si avionicos
Sthavira rya Roha a
c rya Ya obhadra Meghaga
c rya K mardhiga c rya Susthita S ri c rya Supratibhaddha Sri c rya Rak ita c rya Rohagupta c rya igupta c rya r gupta (of H rila Gotra) c rya Brhamga c rya Somaga