As a matter of fact, if one attentively goes through the title and description of the first part where it was discussed about An kasena etc., six monka, then such doubts would not have arisen.
The entire subject matter was described under the title "Disclosure of the secret by Lord Ari anemi". The very title itself reveals the scriptural opinion of the matter. Apart from this, complete evidence relating to this narration was presented with factual references from the scriptures. Also given is the descriptions made by the author of Tri a i- al k -puru a-caritra. Before demonstrating any fact it is always a healthy tradition to present it from all the facets. Following the same healthy tradition, a reference of the author of "Caupanna Mah purisa Cariyam" was cited in this context, which is a new phenomenon to majority of the learned. While presenting this side of the fact, it was categorically cautioned that the two instances where the versions were different, relevant notes were given to enlighten the scriptural opinions. The intellectual readers who had expressed their immense faith towards the scriptures and who showed an awareness to sustain the authenticity of scriptural doctrines deserve to be applauded.
Authentic historical basis
With a deep-felt desire to present an authentic Jain History from beginning to date, we have reviewed various canons, classics and other scriptures like Amga and Up mga, literatures, commentaries, later commentaries, critiques, interpretations, historical scriptures, repository of stories, chronological list of elder-monks (Sthavir val s), pontifical chronology (Pa val s), Epics of Jain and Vedic traditions, various historical texts, scriptures on Buddhism, inscriptions, holy texts as well as all available data. While writing this scripture, all along, I made it a point not to give importance to the fantasies and baseless tell-tale stories and to present only the proven historical facts found in the ancient scriptures and archives. Likewise, the events woven in a prodigious way