Bhadrab hu had forewarned the Jain community (congregation) of a 12year-famine and counseled the monks to leave Ujjain (Avant) and to migrate to other distant places. Following his advice a c rya called nti and his several disciples migrated to Vallabh pur in Sora ha De a and started living there. There, under calamitous conditions resulted due to the famine, ntic rya and his disciples were compelled to use blanket, stick, clothes and vessels and started eating at the place of the householders. When the situation returned to normalcy, crya nti advised his disciples to revert back to their original blemishless Digambara traditions. But the disciples straightaway rejected his command. Sont c rya reprimanded them far they went against the principles propounded by Lord Mah v ra. Enraged on this, his chief disciple struck him on head with the stick. As a result, nt c rya died. After his death, in the Vikram 136 year, (V.N. 606) his disciples composed new scriptures to suit their less-Strict conduct and established a new sect called vet mbara.
Thus in V.N. 606 the first difference of opinion into vet mbara and Digambara began. This is commonly accepted opinion of Digambara sect. Hence the above mentioned opinion of Devasena may be considered as 'opinion l' of Digambara sect. But in other texts of Digambaras like ‘B hata Kath Ko a' written by c rya Hari e a and 'Bhadrab hu Caritra' written by Ratna Nandi and Mah v ra Carita written by Rayadh, the life of Bhadrab hu was illustrated in different forms.
From different texts of Digambara School it is apparent that five c ryas with the same name of Bhadrab hu existed at different times:
The last rutikeval c rya Bhadrab hu and the 8th Pontiff who attained heaven in V.N. 162. 29th Pontiff c rya Bhadrab hu, also known as Ya ob hu, was well-versed in eight Amgas and whose tenure is believed to be from 492 to 515 V.N. First Amgadharac rya Bhadrab hu whose tenure was estimated near 1000 V.N. According to the Pa val of Nandi congregation Bal tk ra Ga a, c rya Bhadrab hu whose tenure was mentioned as V.N. 609 to 63.