c rya Ya obhadra Sw m succeeded crya Sayyambhava as the fifth Pontiff after Lord Mah v ra. Detailed information is not available about his life. Whatever little information is available from Nandi Sthavir val and chronology of Pontiffs is briefly discussed below:
He was born in an orthodox Brahmin family of Tumgiy yana Gotra, who performed Yaj as. As soon as he had completed his studies and stepped into adolescence, he was fortunate enough to be associated with a pious
ayyambhava .The sermon of Sayyambhava filled with self restraint and detachment awakened his sleeping soul and freed him from delusions. He, at the young age of 22, severing all the delusive family ties, took initiation from Sayyambhava & became a monk. Serving his Guru, practicing knowledge and meditation for 14 years, he mastered the 14 P rvas. In addition, he took the permission of his Guru and carried out many types of penance and strictly observed the conduct of self restraint.
In 98 V.N. after crya Sayyambhava attained heavenly abode, he headed the congregation as Pontiff. He held the office for 50 years and propagated the preaching of Mah v ra far and wide. In 148 V.N. he announced Sambh tavijaya and Bhadrab hu as his successors, observed Sam dhi and attained heavenly abode.
c rya Ya obhadra Sw m during his regime, with his powerful preaching converted many great yogic scholars into Jainism. This is an example of his analytical intelligence that two disciples like Sambh tavijaya and Bhadrab hu became 14 – Prvadhara rutakeval s under his able teaching and guidance.
c rya Ya obhadra Sw m remained as a householder up to 22 years then took initiation and remained as an ordinary monk for 14 years. He served the Jain order for 50 years as Pontiff. At the age of 86, in the year 148 V.N., he passed away.
After the nirva of Lord Mah v ra, from Sudharm Sw m to c rya Ya obhadra there was the tradition of a single crya in the Jain Order. c ryas like Discourse- crya and others, who lived in the congregation,