In the second chapter" r ma aya Prvaka' he propounded some internal and external means of controlling the mind that tries to go astray from asceticism.
In 'K ullak c ra', the third chapter he gave a list of 52 deeds that are not to be performed by an ascetic.
In ' adj vanik ya’, the fourth chapter he briefly discussed the six types of j vas (empirical souls) and suggested their protection.
In the fifth chapter 'Pi dais?, in two Udde akas, he discussed about the rules of diet and the rules to be followed by the ascetics for taking alms.
In 'Dharm rtha K ma” the sixth chapter he discussed about the conduct to be followed by the ascetics and explained about the 18 places that should be avoided by an ascetic.
In the seventh chapter ‘Discoursea uddhi' he explained the categories of the spoken words and language and warned the Mok a to be wary of untruthful and blemished language and advised to adhere to truthful innocent and unharmful language.
In the eighth chapter" c ra Pra idh na' he classified the rules of conduct of the Mok a.
In Vinaya Sam dhi, the ninth chapter, he imparted knowledge about humility in four Udde akas, and 1. Vinaya Sam dhi, 2.
ruta Sam dhi 3. Tapa Sam dhi and 4. c ra Sam dhi, along with four reasons for Sam dhi are discussed.
In the tenth chapter, 'Sahbhik u' - he explained who deserves the life of a monk, how to attain salvation, what is its medium, etc.; the ideal life of an ascetic is analysed in essence, with limited vocabulary.
Apart from the Niryukti written by occult c rya Bhadrab hu Sw m (different from rutakeval Bhadrab hu) on Da avaik lika, other