Lord r Abhinandana
Following the third T rthamkara of Jain religion Lord Sambhavan tha, Lord r Abhinandana was the fourth T rthamkara. He was born in Ayodhya at the house of king Samvara. In his past life as king Mah bala he took initiation from c rya Vimalacandra and worshipped twenty reflections / causes (sth nakas or k ra as) of T rthamkaran ma karma and at the end, after his demise, was born as Anuttara god in the palace Vijaya. Descending from Vijaya palace (vim na) he entered the womb of queen Siddh rth on the fourth day of the bright half of the month Vai kha under the constellation Punarvasu. The queen saw the 14 great dreams, which made both her and the king very happy. On completion of her pregnancy period queen Siddh rth gave birth to her son on the second day of the bright half of the month M gha under the constellation Pu ya. From the time he entered her womb there was happiness all over, hence the parents and others named the child Abhinandana.
When Abhinandana reached marriageable age king Samvara got him married to suitable women. After this king Samvara became disinclined towards worldly pleasures and took initiation as a monk, and placing Abhinandana on the throne went on the spiritual self-restraint path. As a king Abhinandana ruled his kingdom in the best way and in his reign, taught his subjects about justice and to dispense their duties. In a detached manner after ruling peacefully and justly for thirty-six-and-ahalf lakh p rvas he decided to take initiation. On the request of the lok ntika gods and giving charities for one year, on the 12th day of the bright fortnight of the month M gha under the constellation Abhijita, pulling out five fistfuls of hair, and giving up all the bad karmas, along with one thousand other kings, he renounced the worldly life
He did the two days 'bel'penance at the time of his initiation. The next day he broke his fast at the house of king Indradatta. The gods cried out, "aho d nam, aho d nam” (‘Ah! the beautiful gift!') making a shower of five substances, flowers, etc. After initiation, for many years, he observed severe austerities and wandered about. Devoid of passions in the attitude of self restraint after wandering as a mendicant for 18 years, he attained pure knowledge and kevaladar ana in Ayodhya, on the 14th day of the bright fortnight of the month Pau a under the Abhijita constellation, after completely destroying the four obscuring karmas,