came out of the Vint city with them and gladly wandered about. After wandering for one lakh p rvas he went to A t pada Mountain. There he gave up the four-fold food. He remained in this state, without any desire.
Omniscient Bharata remained a prince for 77 lakh p rvas and thereafter, for one thousand years as king. Following that he was cakravart for one thousand years less than six lakhs prvas. Thus he remained for three lakh p rvas in the worldly state. Until obtainment of pure intuition and pure knowledge following self-realisation in the hall of mirrors he was not associated with any position or status. Thus, leaving aside that time for a little less than one lakh p rvas he remained in the omniscientstatus and for the same number of years as a mendicant. Thus, completing 84 lakh prvas, for a month giving up water, under the rama a constellation, he attained liberation from the shackles of birth and death, obtained permanent, blemish-less liberation ( ivapada). He followed the path of Lord V abhan tha and in the end attained liberation /salvation (mok a).