bring an end to the disturbance, quarrels, plunder and criminal tendencies that had developed among people through his guidance.
Reassuring the twins V abhan tha said – “Now karmayuga (a time of effort / action) has commenced on this earth, as a result of which you have to work very hard to manage your lives.” The twins saw a light of hope in their otherwise dark future. Their sense of despair vanished and with a firm determination they said – “Lord! We are ready to do the toughest work at your behest.” Hearing this V abhan tha told them they would be successful in making their lives happy and prosperous.
In order to curb crime a code of punishment is necessary which is managed by a king. A king is established on the throne by the elders of the kingdom, and other subject and it is he who preserves and amends that code according to the circumstances. Hearing this yugalas cried with joy and said – "you are our king. We shall right away arrange your coronation.” To this prince V abha said – “King N bhi is our respected elder. You may all please request him”.
The twins presented themselves before N bhi and placed the facts before him. After listening to them king N bhi said – “I am old now. It would be better if you made V abhan tha your king. In fact he alone is competent in all ways in delivering you all from this difficult situation and worthy of the seat of the king from all angles."
The yugalas were very happy to gain the approval of N bhi. They went immediately to V abhan tha and in excited voices said to him - "King N bhi has granted permission to establish you on th shall consecrate you at once with pure water” and happily they w the lake Lotus (Padma).
Just then a huge gathering of twins (yugalas) reached V abhan tha with the waters from the Padma Lake. They could not contain their happiness seeing the Lord seated on the royal throne. They consecrated Vabhan tha pouring the Padma water on his feet. The atmosphere was agog with the cries of "hail the king of kings V abhan tha!" Seeing their politeness the god akra ordered Kubera to construct on that land of Ik v ku a magnificent city and named it Vint nagar which on account of it being impregnable, unconquerable later became famous as Ayodhya.