contemplations and accrued the T rthamkara n ma-karma, his past lives are briefly given herein.
Past lives of Lord V abhan tha and his spiritual practices therein
In one of his lives Lord V abhan tha was born as the merchant - owner of a caravan of merchandise – Dhann in k itiprati ha of Mah Videha country. Dhann had abundant riches, and carried on trade in many faroff lands. Once he made an announcement that anyone desirous of going abroad to make money could travel with him. Hearing this, many people went along with him. c rya Dharmagho a too, had to reach Vasantapura. Considering this a favourable coincidence to cross a desolate forest, he joined Dhann along with his group of disciples. The merchant ordered his servants to take care of the c rya's food and other requirements. The c rya told the merchant that food specially made for them, intended for them, is prohibited for rama as.
The rainy season commenced a few days after, and the sky was overcast with thick dark clouds. Seeing this inclement weather the caravan merchant decided to be stationed at a safe place in the forest. c rya Dharmagho a too, stayed there at a faultless place. As a result of spending a long time in the forest, the merchant's provisions exhausted and people began to live on roots, tubers and fruits of the forest. At the end of the rainy season Dhann suddenly remembered the crya. Ashamed, he went to the c rya with some food and pleaded with him to accept the same. The crya explained to him the tenets of rama adharma in accordance with which it was unacceptable for monks /
rama as to consume food filled with imperfections / faults and food such as fruits and other green substances. Gaining knowledge about the right and wrong codes of conduct the merchant presented the c rya abundant measures of clarified butter (ghee) with great joy and for the first time in life gained true spiritual insight (samyag-dar ana). Thus, leaving out other past lives, this is enumerated as the first incarnation / existence of V abhan tha here i.e. of the last 13 bhavas (lives / preexistences) this is the first.
Getting out of the bhava of Dhann , the caravan merchant and crossing over various stages of human existence, V abhan tha was born as son of physician Suvidhi. This was Vabhan tha's 9th bhava. He was named