Acalabhrt and Met rya ga adharas attained niry awith a one-month fast unto death (sam dhi).
27th Year as Keval
Leaving N land the Lord moved towards Videha and wandering, sat at Ma ibhadra caitya in Mithil . King Jita atru came there. The Lord gave sermon to a large gathering. Indrabh ti and other monk disciples asked questions regarding the Sun's movement in the orbit, expanse of the rays of the Sun and shadow, the waxing and waning of the Moon, the reasons for planetary oppression, birth of a meteor, beginning of an era, etc. The Lord spent that year's c turm sa Mithil.
28th Year as Keval
At the end of the rainy season halt, he wandered across places in Videha and gave initiation to many devotees into the rama a tradition as well as inspired many great people towards the r vaka tradition. Incidentally, the Lord spent c turm saof that year in Mithil .
29th Year as Keval
At the end of the rainy season, the Lord left Mithil for Magadha and reaching R jag ha, sat in Gu a la garden. At that time the r vaka of Magadha, Mah ataka, was observing the last fast. Because of the purity of his perseverance during his fasting, he attained avadhij na and he was able to see far off places in four directions. One of his wives was Revat whose character and behaviour was altogether different from that of Mah ataka. She was unhappy with Mah ataka's spiritual practice. One day, unaware, she reached the spot where Mah ataka engrossed in austerity, reaching there, she started shouting angrily, leaving her hair open, like a hysterical person, and acting in an uncivilised manner. Mah ataka was peaceful for a very long time but in the end he felt sorry for Revat 's behaviour and suddenly said -“Revat, your uncivilised behaviour is not good. The result of this karma of yours will not be good. You will die in seven days and go to the first hell." Revat was frightened on hearing Mah ataka's words. Ultimately, just as Mah ataka had said, she died and went to the first hell.