The Yajurveda clearly mentions – "the one who showed the spiritual Veda, the one who gave discourse to living beings in the world and the one by whose discourse the soul of living beings becomes strong, we make offerings to that omniscient Ari anemi.” The Mah bh rata gives thousand names of Vi u. Among these there is the term “ rah aurirjane varah.” The last stanza of these lokas is worth paying attention to. The Jain scholar at the beginning of the 19th century in his work “Mok a M rga Praka” writes "Jine vara' in place of 'Jane vara'. Secondly, in this K a is mentioned as “ aurih". Near Ba esara in Agra district is a place named ' auripura'. According to Jain texts this was the capital of the Y davas in the beginning. They left from here to Dv rik . It was here that Ari anemi was born, hence it is called
auri', and he was Jine vara in any case. From the above facts it is clear that Lord Ari anemi was, no doubt, a historical person.
Ari anemi in Vaidika Literature
Many ancient and modern historians world over consider K a to be a historical person. In that case then there should be no two views on accepting the historicity of his uncle's son, Lord Ari anemi nor is there any scope of debate in this matter. Yet there is a puzzle in the mind of historians till date that while Vaidika texts give detached description of the Y davas there, is Ari anemi mentioned or not? Efforts were made to resolve this question but the research was limited to Mah bh rata and
r madbh gavata alone hence even success was limited. As a last resort when Vedavy sa's "Harivam a” was perused minutely, a solution to this question came out clearly. In Harivam a Vedavy sa accepts that K a and Ari anemi were paternal cousins. 'King Yadu had five sons comparable to divine princes, Sahasrada, Payoda, Kro , N la and Amjika.' Kro and his second queen M dr had two sons, Yudh jita and Devamīdhu a. Kro 's elder son, Yudh jita had two sons, V i and Andhaka. V i had two sons, Svaphalka and Citraka. Citraka had 12 sons, P thu, Vip thu, A vagr va, A vab hu, Sup r vaka, Gave a a, Ari anemi, A va, Sudharm, Dharmabh t, Sub hu and Bahub hu and two daughters, ravi h and rava . Along with the clan description of Ari anemi, K a's clan is also described in Harivam a by Vedavy sa this way – “Yadu had Kro Kro 's second son Devamīdhu a' son
ra and ra had ten sons, Vasudeva, etc and five daughters, P thuk rti, etc. Vasudeva had a son K a from his queen Devak . Thus the accepted