The Sankara School of Vedānta [ch. I have chosen only those works which have been commented on by other writers, since this shows that these have the strength of tradition behind them to support their authenticity. The most important works of Sankara are his commentaries on the ten Upanişads, Išā, Kena, Katha, Praśna, Mundaka, Māndūkya, Aitareya, Taittirīya, Chāndogya and BỊhad-āranyaka and the Säriraka-mīmāmsā-bhāsya. The main reasons why a number of works which probably were not written by him were attributed to him seem to be twofold; first, because there was another writer of the same name, i.e. Šarkarācārya, and second, the tendency of Indian writers to increase the dignity of later works by attributing them to great writers of the past. The attribution of all the Purāņas to Vyāsa illustrates this very clearly. Sankara's Isopanişadbhāsya has one commentary by Anandajñāna and another, Dipikā, by the other Sankara Ācārya. His Kenopanişad-bhāsya has two commentaries, Kenopanişad-bhāsya-vivarana and a commentary by Anandajñāna. The Kāțhakopanışad-bhāşya has two commentaries, by Anandajñāna and by Bālagopāla Yogindra. The Praśnopanişadbhāsya has two commentaries, by Anandajñāna and Nārāyanendra Sarasvatī. The Mundakopanișad-bhāsya has two commentaries, by Anandajñāna and Abhinavanārāyaṇendra Sarasvati. The Māndūkyopanişad-bhāsya has two commentaries, by Anandajñāna and Mathurānātha Sukla, and a summary, called Māndūkyopanişadbhāsyārtha-samgraha, by Rāghavānanda. The Aitareyopanişadbhāşya has six commentaries, by Anandajñāna, Abhinavanārāyaṇa, Nrsimha Acārya, Bālakṣşnadāsa, Jñānāmsta Yati, and Viśveśvara Tīrtha. The Taittiriyopanişad-bhāsya seems to have only one commentary on it, by Anandajñāna. The Chāndogyopanişad has two commentaries, called Bhāșya-țippana, and a commentary by Anandajñāna. The Brhad-āranyakopanişad-bhāsya has a commentary by Anandajñāna and a big independent work on it by Sureśvara, called Brhad-āraṇyakopanışad-bhāsya-vārttika, or simply Vārttika, which has also a number of commentaries; these have been noticed in the section on Sureśvara. His Aparokşānubhava has four commentaries, by Sankara Ācārya, by Bālagopāla, by Candeśvara Varman (Anubhava-dipikā), and by Vidyāraṇya. His commentary on Gaudapāda's Māndūkya-kārikā, called Gaudapādiya-bhāsya or Agamaśāstra-vivaraṇa, has two commentaries, one by Suddhānanda and one by Anandajñāna. His Atma-jñānopadeśa has two commentaries, by Anandajñāna and by Pūrņānanda Tīrtha; the Eka-śloka has a