nivvāna, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109 niyama, 155, 235, 270, 317 n., 345 niyama-vidhi, 404 niyatā purvavarttitū, 320 ni, 277 nilabodha, 410 n. nilatvajāti, 317 nirūpakhya, 124 Noble path, 124 nodanavišesa, 291 Non-existence, 356, 357 Non-perception, 261, 356, 358, 359, 397,
485 North-western Province, 172 Nrsimhapūrvatänini, 28 n., 32 n. Narsimhāśrama Muni, 419, 420 Number, 291, 292, 305, 306 n., 315 Nyāya, 7, 9, 63, 68, 75, 87 n., 157, 159,
161, 168, 177, 219, 269n., 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 294, 296, 297, 299, 303, 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 312 n., 320, 321, 325, 326, 327, 328, 331, 332, 333, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 343, 344 11., 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 353, 354, 356, 360, 351, 362, 363, 364, 367, 368, 369, 372, 373, 376, 377, 378 11., 380, 381, 382, 385, 391, 394, 396 n., 397, 403, 406, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 431, 434, 470, 446, 455, 459, 462, 465, 466, 484, 488, 492; nature of the
self, 459 n.; notion of time, 466 Nyāyabindu, 151, 152 n., 154 n., 155 n.,
168, 181, 309, 358 n., 410 n. Nyayabinduţikā, 152 n., 154 n., 155 n.,
156 11., 359 1., 410 N. Nyāyabindutikātippani, 151 n., 152 n.,
154 n. Nyāyabodhini, 330 n. Nyayakandali, 306, 310 n., 31 n., 312 n.,
3149., 316 n., 317 n., 324 n., 326 n., 328 n., 337 n., 338 n., 351 12., 355 n.,
359 n. Nyāyakanikā, 371 Nyāyakośa, 2 n. Nyäyalilāvati, 317n. Nyāyamakaranda, 420, 486 Nyāyamañjari, 67, 79, 160n., 161, 162 n.,
163 1., 212 n., 276, 307, 311 n., 320, 321, 322 n., 326, 327 n., 330 n., 332 n., 336, 337 n., 340 N., 345 n., 347, 353, 355 n., 358 n., 359 n., 362, 362 n., 363, 365 n., 366 n., 373 n., 380 n., 414 1.,
417 n., 459 n., 467 Nyāyamanjarīsāra, 308 Nyāyamālāvistara, 371, 405 n. Nyāyanibandhaprakāśa, 63, 307 Nyāyanirnaya, 307, 418 Nyāyapradipa, 308 Nyāyapraveśa, 309 Nyāyaratnamālā, 371, 417 n. Nyäyaratnākara, 370, 378n., 388, 389n.,
390 n. Nyāyasāra, 308, 309 Nyāyasiddhantadīpa, 308
Nyāyasiddhantamasjari, 308 Nyāya suci, 278 Nyāyasudha, 371 Nyāya sätra, 228 n., 229 n., 277, 297 n.,
300 n., 302, 306, 307, 342 n., 362,
430 Nyāya sätrabhāsya, 186 n. Nyāya sūtras, 71, 120, 276, 278, 279, 294,
301, 303, 305, 327 n., 360 Nyāyasūtravivarana, 307 Nyāyasútroddhāra, 278 Nyāyatātparyamandana, 63, 307 Nyāyatāt paryaţikāparisuddhi, 63 Nyāya-Vaiseșika, 167, 178, 256 n., 281,
284, 294 n., 305, 310, 311, 312, 313, 318, 319, 320, 323, 326, 330, 335, 341, 355, 366, 367, 371, 403, 492; antiquity of the Vaiseșika sūtras, 280 ff.; argument from order and arrangement, in favour of the existence of God, 363 ff.; arguments against the Buddhist doctrine of causation as tādātmya and tadut patti, 345 ff.; atomic combination, 326; Buddhist criticism of nirvikalpa and Vācaspati's answer, 339 ff.; Caraka and the Nyāyasūtras, 302 ; causes of recollection, 300; causation as invariable antecedence, 321 ; causation as molecular motion, 321; causation as operative conditions, 322; classification of inference, 353 ff.; classification of negation, 359; conception of wholes, 380 n.; criticism of momentariness, 274; criticism of the Samkhya and the Buddhist view of pramāņa, 331 ff.; criticism of Samkhya satkāryavāda, etc., 275 ff.; criticism of the theory of causation by Vedānta, 466; debating devices and fallacies, 360 ff.; discussion on the meaning of upamāna, 355n., discussion on the sūtras, 276 ff.; doctrine of dissolution, 323; doctrine of inference, 343 ff.; doctrine of illusion, 337; doctrine of paratah primanya, 372 ff.; doctrine of perception, 333; doctrine of soul, 362 ff.; doctrine of substance (dravya), 310 ff.; doctrine of upamana and Sabda, 354 ff.; doctrine of vyāpti, 345 ff.; epistemology, 412 ff., erroneous perception, 336; fallacies of hetu, 344; five premisses of Prasastapāda, 350; formation of radicles, 329; four kinds of pramāņas, 332 ff.; Gangesa's definition of perception, 334 n., 342 n.; general epistemological situation as compared with Mimāmsā, 367; indeterminate and determinate perception, 334 ; inference from effects to causes, 297; inference of a creator, 325 ff.; literature, 307 ff.; merits and demerits operating as teleological causes of atonic combination, 323 ff.; Mimāņsā doctrine of negation, 355 ff.; miraculous, intuitive and mental perception,