Brahma-vidyā, 189
man, 76, 81-2; a personal quality of Breath control, 123, 124-5
Brahman, 80-1; subtle and gross Bphadāranyaka Upanişad, 131n.
consciousness, 83, 90; in association Bșhadārya, 6, 70n., 131 n., 144
with unconscious elements, 120; Bphaspati, 6
God's consciousness integrally assoBuccayyārādhya, 46
ciated with action, 162; five catebuddhi, 91, 92, 124, 128, 135, 137, 139, gories of the nature of pure
164, 165, 166; the self reflected consciousness, 165; theory that pure through buddhi, 31-2; distinguished consciousness, when limited by from ahankāra, 34, 171; the stuff of mind, constitutes the soul, 180; buddhi is material, 35; not a valid continuity of consciousness after element of true knowledge, 37; as dreamless sleep, 187 ordinary knowledge, 58; three gunas Contentment, 146 from, 99, 101, 119; also called citta, Contradiction, 183 140; cannot be self-illuminating, Creation: God as the agent of, 1, 15, 170-1
23, 24-5, 68, 70, 103, 147, 160, 180, buddhi-tattva, 168
185; energy of consciousness as the Buddhism, 22, 34, 35-6, 40, 124, 143, instrument of, 81-2, 90, 99, 162;
154, 156; doctrine of momentary purpose of God in creation, 85-90, selves, 164
135-6; as emanation from the state Buddhists, 3, 150
of avyakta, 113; limited by the will
of Siva, 120; by anugraha, 161-2, caitanyam dyk-kriyā-rūpam, 21
169; view of the falsehood of the Caitanya school, 102
world, 179–80, 182–3 cakras, 55-6
Cruelty, 85, 86 Cannabasava, 53, 54, 59
Cycle of births and rebirths, 49, 73, cara-linga, 62
85-7, 92-3, 95, 108, 10, 115, 117, Carefulness, 146
118, 120, 133, 164, 170 Carelessness, 126 Cārvāka system, 31, 158, 173-5 Dakşiņa, 51 caryā, 22, 122, 123, 136, 148, 161 Dalal, Mr, 7, II Caste-division, 13, 43, 45, 92
dama, 189 Caste duties, 122, 147, 188
daurmanasya, 127 Caturveda-tātparya-samgraha, II Death as absolute forgetfulness, 187 Celibacy, 134
Destiny, 23, 29, 33, 88, 90, 101, 109, Chant, 122, 126
121, 165, 167, 170 cheda, 140
Destruction, 85, 86, 98, 107; as the cicchakti, 11, 33, 35, 76, 82, 90, 92, 100 reversal of creation, 113, 135, 161, cidacid-ruba, 165
180 cidākāsa, 81
Deśikāradhya, 46 cidrūpa, 165
Deva, 141 cit, 67-8, 99-100, 161, 162
Devala, 6, 70n. citta, roi, 140, 143
Devotion, 13, 54-5, 62-4, 102, 103, Commandment of God, 116, 119
104, 107-8, 119, 188-9; must be Conscience, for
spontaneous, not for some advanConsciousness, 21-2, 26-7, 48, 92, tage, 122
99-100, 179; energy of conscious- dharma, 27, 32, 73-5, 132, 140, 146, ness is eternal, 32-3; ego-conscious- 147, 165 ness of one individual not confused Dharmakirti, 143 with another, 34, 35; pure con- dhāraņā, 124, 125-6, 189 sciousness the valid part in know- dhyāna, 124, 126, 128-9, 189 ledge, 37, 57, 58, 62; egohood of Dinnāga, 143 Siva as 'pure consciousness', 67, Disease, 126 103-4; energy controlled by Brah- dikṣā, 146