Literature of Southern Saivism [CH. could be included in the class of Bharatas (servants) and Bhaktas (devotees) of Siva. The Naiyāyikas were always regarded as devotees of Siva and they were called Saivas. The Vaiseșika philosophy was called Pāśupata?. Haribhadra also says that the Vaišeşikas admitted the same divinity as the Naiyāyikas.
Excluding the Kāpālikas and the Kālamukhas, about whom we know very little except the traditional imputations against their rituals and non-Vedic conduct, we have the text of the Pāśupata system and the Saiva philosophy as described in the Saiva Agamas. We have also the Pāśupata-śāstra as described in the Vāyavīya samhitā, the Saiva philosophy of Srikantha as elaborated by Appaya Dīkşita, and the Saiva philosophy as expounded by King Bhoja of Dhāra in his Tattva-prakāśa as explained by Srīkumāra and Aghora-śivācārya. We have also the Vīra-saivism which evolved at a later date and was explained in a commentary on Brahma-sūtra by Srīpati Pandita who is generally placed in the fourteenth century. Srīpati Pandita was posterior to the Pāśupatas and Rāmānuja, and also to Ekorāma and the five ācāryas of the Vīra-śaiva religion. Srīpati was also posterior to Mādhavācārya. But it is curious that Madhava seems to know nothing either of Vīrasaivism or of Srīpati Pandita. He was of course posterior to Basava of the twelfth century, who is generally regarded as being the founder of Vira-saivism. As Hayavadana Rao points out, Śrīpati was posterior to Śrīkantha, who wrote a bhāsya on the Brahma-sūtrat. We have treated in a separate section the philosophy of Srīkantha. Śrīkantha lived somewhere in the eleventh century and may have been a junior contemporary of Rāmānuja. Srikantha in his treatment of Brahma-sūtra III. 3. 27-30, criticises the views of Rāmānuja and Nimbārka. Hayavadana Rao thinks on inscriptional grounds that Śrīkantha was living in A.D. 11225.
Meykaņdadeva, the most famous author of the Tamil translation of the Sanskrit work Siva-jñāna-bodha belonged to Tiru
1 See Gunaratna's commentary, p. 51.
devatā-visayo bhedo nāsti naiyāyikaiḥ samam, vaiseşikāņām tattve tu vidyate'sau nidarśyate.
Haribhadra's Şaddarśana-samuccaya, p. 266. 3 C. Hayavadana Rao's Srikara-bhāşya, Vol. 1, p. 31. 4 Ibid. p. 36. 5 Ibid. p. 41.