Vakreśvara, 386, 387 Valid, 161 Valid cognition, 276 Valid knowledge, 278 Validity, 75, 169, 171, 186, 253,
346 Validity of memory, 163 Vallabha, 1, 2, 320, 321, 322, 324, 327,
328, 329, 330, 346, 350, 351, 352, 355, 356, 357, 359, 361, 363, 367, 371, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 380, 381, 383, 384; bhakti its classifica- tion, 353; bhakti its fruits, 355; bhakti, obstacles to, 357; the concept of bhakti, 346 ff.; concept of bhakti compared with that of the Bhāga- vata-purāna and other literature, 346 ff.; Vallabha (Gopeśvarji) con- cept of bhakti, 350 ff.; his concept of pusti-bhakti, 354;bhakti and therasas, 352 ff.; method of the attainment of bhakti, 354; bhakti and the meta- physical doctrine of monism, 348-9; bhakti and prema, 355-6; disciples and works, 373 ff.; life of, 371; his opposition to monistic sannyāsa, 356; his outlook of the Upanişads, 326; Vedānta categories according to, 332 ff.; Vedāntic categories dis- cussed and criticized, 332-6; inter- pretation of the Vedānta by his followers, 358 ff.; his view con- trasted with that of Nyāya and Vijñāna-bhikṣu, 326-7; Vişnusvāmi, relation with, 382; as interpreted by
Vitthala, 363 ff. Vallabha (Puruşottama), arthāpatti or
implication, 345; causality, nature of, 341; distinction between instru- ment and cause, 340; doubt, 337-8; inference, 344-5; indeterminate and determinate knowledge, 337-8; right knowledge as perception and in- ference, 339-40; perceptual ex- perience, 341-2; illusory perception, nature of, 343; doctrine of māyā explained by, 330-1; pramānas,
treatment of, 336 ff. Vallabha Bhatta, 388 Vallabha-dig-vijaya, 383n. Vallabha Gosvāmi's Prapanca-samsāra-
bheda, 362 Vallabha-Miśra, 386 Vallabhācārya, 2 Vallabhāştaka, 358, 374, 377, 380
Vanamalı, 87 Vanga, 91 Varadaraja, 59, 314 Vardhamāna, 192, 193, 196, 393 varna, 150 vastutas tu sabdajanya-urtti-visayat
vam eva drsyatvam, 216 Vācaspati, 94, 104, 105, 107, 134, 193,
195, 220, 287, 288 vācārambhanam, 82 vāda, 65 Vādakatha, 381 Vādāvali, 359 n., 360, 362 n. Vadirāja, 62, 64, 87, 175 Vadirājasvāmi, 59 Vadindra, 53 Vägbhata, 53 Vāgisa-tirtha, 56 vāk, 148 Vākyasudhă-ţikā, 55 vākyāmumāna, 3 Vākyārtha-candrikā, 102 Väkyārtha-muktāvali, 62 Vamadeva, 27 Vamana, 53 vāsanā, 43, 45, 150, 364 Vāsudeva, 2, 27, 38, 54, 57, 155, 313n.,
314, 387 Vasudeva Datta, 386 Vasudhā, 393 vātsalya, 392, 432 Vātsyāyana, 178, 188, 432 Vātsyāyana-bhāşya, 189n. vāyu, 52, 88, 93, 131, 135, 137, 155 Vedagarbhanārāyaṇācārya, 59 Vedanidhi-tirtha, 56 Vedas, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 48, 63, 66, 76, 108,
111, 127, 134, 139, 163, 197, 203, 254, 312, 320, 346, 363, 365, 377,
423, 425; smrti, relation, 5 Vedastutikārikā, 373 Vedavyāsa-tirtha, 56 Vedānta, 49, 52, 101, 105, 106, 107,
125, 138, 158, 169, 320, 326, 327,
342, 361, 383, 397 Vedānta-candrikā, 373 Vedānta-kaumusi, 158, 239 Vedānta-karanamālā, 380 Vedānta-Syamantaka, 438 Vedānta-vürttika, 56 Vedāntādhikaranamālā, 381 Vedāntic texts, 105, 323 Vedāntist, 194 Vedāntists, 80, 240, 247 Vedeśa-bhikṣu, 64, 65, 90