Madhva (cont.)
pramāņa, definition of, 160 ff.; pramānas, Jaina view of, considered,
166; Pramāna-laksana and commentaries thereon, 64; pramāņas, nature of, 77; pramāna, two senses of, 165; pramūna, Nyāya view considered, 167; Rāmānuja and, 94 ff.; Rāmānuja's criticism of Brahman criticized, 124; degrees of reality criticized, 73; degrees of reality, discussions on, 116 ff.; repentance and meditation, 89; samavāya doctrine, 154; Sankarites and Buddhists compared, 69-70; Sankarites cri- ticized as crypto-Buddhists, 68-9; Sankara's interpretation of the dif- ferent topics of the Brahma-sūtras criticized, 129 ff.; Sankara's inter- pretation criticized, 127 ff.; sakti doctrine, 154-5; Saharcya theory of Gangesa refuted, 185; śästra in rela- tion to God, 60; his view regarding smrti and śāstras, 57; view regarding śāstra, 6o; self cannot be identical with Brahman, 108; self cannot be self-illuminating, 68; souls, different kinds of, 155-6; criticism of, on the nature of emancipated souls, 98- 100; svatah-prāmānya theory con- sidered, 168 ff.; svatah-prāmānya in relation to doubts, 172; svataḥ- prāmānya explained, 168; svatah- prāmānya theory of, distinguished from that of the Mimāmsă and the Vedānta, 169 ff.; tarka, 193; tarka, nature of, 188 ff.; tarka, Mathurā- nātha and Gangeśa cricitized, 190; tarka, Nyāya view criticized, 189; tarka, Sriharşa's view criticized, 191; tarka, Udayana's view criticized, 192; Tattva-samkhyāna, account of, 65-6; Tattva-samkhyāna with commentary, 64; some doctrines summarized in the Tattva-samkhyāna, 65-6; Tattvoddyota, account of 66 ff.; Tattvoddyota with commentaries thereon, 64-5; teachers of Madhva's school, 56; testimony in Madhva, 202 ff.; true belief, 174; upädhi criticized, 85-6; upādhi, notion of, 82-3; upādhi-khandana with commentaries thereon, 64; universal and inference, 151-2; the view of Vācaspati and Prakāśātman
refuted by Vyāsa-tirtha, 104 ff.; Vedas, revelation of, 75; visesa doctrine, 153; Vişnu-tattva-nirnaya, account of, 74 ff.; vyāpti as anupapatti, 184; world cannot be an illusion, 72; the view of world as illusion criticized, 246 ff.; status of the world, brief description of, 63; world cannot be sadasad-vilaksanı, 73; works of Madhva, 54 ff.; commentaries on his works, 55-6; works
on logic of, 64 Madhva-bhasya, 1411. Madhva mathas, 91 Madhva school, 143, 153 Vladhvu-siddhānta-sira, 54, 150 n., 1511., 152 n., 157n., 156 n., 157n.,
159 n. Madhva-vijaya, 53, 54, 91 Madhvas Philosophie des Vishnu
Glaubens, 54n., 1021. Madhvācārya, 157n. Madhvācārya, The Life of, 91n. Madhvācārya, a Short Historical
Sketch, 90 n. Mladhyalila, 387, 392 madhyama-sevāphala, 358 Madhyageha Bhatta, 52 Magic, 68 Magician, 287 mahat, 25, 27, 31, 35, 40, 41, 46, 47,
66, 150, 156 Mahat-tattva, 157 Mahābhārata, 9, 38, 57, 58, 59, 75, 92,
93, 128 n., +13 Mahābhārata-tātparya-nirnayu, 51,55,
57, 58, 318 n. Mahābhārata-tātparya-nirņayānuk
ramaņikā, 59 Mahābhārata-tātparya-nirnaya
vyākhyā, 59 mahābhāva, 432, 433 n., 436 mahābhūtas, 24 Mahā-lakşmi, 13, 157n., 372 maha-māyā, 313n. Mahā-pralaya, 315 n. Mahāsubodhini, 59 Mahāvişnu, 402 maha-yajñais ca yajñais ca brālmīyam
kriyate tanuh, 321 Mahispuri, 371 Mahomedan scriptures, 203 Malabar, 93 Mallikarjuņa-tirtha, 388 Mal-observation, 173