abhāva, 150, 294 abhāva-vikalpo, 183 abhijña, 297 Abhimāna, 41 Abhinava-candrikā, 62 abhivyakti, 143, 150, 443 Abnegation, 354 Absolute, 73 Absolute forgetfulness, 49 Absolute negation, 207 Accessories, 88 acchidra-sevā, 318n. Accidental, 122 Account of the Madhva Gurus, 54 acintya, 16, 18, 19, 37, 398 acintya-sakti, 154 acintyatva, 398 acintya-viseșa-mahimnā, 19 Action, 3, 150 Acyutapreksa, 53 adharma, 4 adhikarana, 129, 130, 134, 325, 326 Adhikarana-samgraha, 381, 382 n. adhisthāna, 106, 119, 175, 250, 414 adhisthāna-caitanya, 242, 414 adhana, 313 adhyasta, 119 adhyasyamāna, 299 Aditi, 132 adravya, 97 adrsya, 135n. adrsta, 201, 333 advaita, 125n., 194, 385, 448 Advaita-siddhi, 63, 65, 208 n., 211, 214,
215, 216 n., 221, 223, 224, 227, 240n., 242 n., 249n., 252 n., 254,
269, 270 n., 275 n., 280 n., 302 advaya-tattia, 14 AMiction, 12, 14 After-image, 342 Agent, 299 Agni, 71 aham, 66, 159 aham-ajñaḥ, 265 aham-artha, 110, 264, 296, 297 ahamkāra, 24, 27, 31, 32 n., 40, 41, 47,
114, 150, 157, 158, 159, 314, 336 aham sphurāmi, 296 ahetuka, 190
ahetuki, 416 ahimsa, 9 Ahirbudhnya-samhitā, 36, 37, 39, 40,
42, 44, 45; categories, development of, 40-1; God in, 40; purusa in, 43; sakti, myati, kāla, etc., 44; time in,
40 Ahobala-NȚsimha, 388 aikșata, 135 aindrajālikasyeva avidyamāna-pradar
sana-saktih, 2 aindriya-vítti, 167 aišvaryānanda, 431 Aitareya-Aranyaka, 55, 132 n. Aitareya-Brāhmana, 55 Aitareya-upanişad-bhāşya, 55 Aitareyopanişad, 90 Aitareyopanişad-bhāsya-tippani, 55 ajñāna, 63, 73, 83, 104, 106, 107, 117,
122, 152, 208, 215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 224, 237, 238, 239, 240, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 256, 257, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 298, 305, 326, 403; criticism of, 261 ff.; inference of, 276 ff.; Madhusūdana's reply to the criticism of the view that ajñāna is egohood, refuted, 296 ff.; nature of its destruction discussed, 244 ff.; perception of, 264 ff.; relation to Brahman, 266; relation to dreamless sleep, 267; relation to egohood criticized, 294; relation to knowledge, 269; relation to negation, 270 ff.; relation to vrtti, 267, criticized, 277; reply to Madhusūdana's criticism, 273; view's of other Vedāntic authors refuted,
274 ajñāna-product, 287 ajñānatva, 217 akārpanya, 9 akārya-kāranānumāna, 201 Akbar, 379 akiñcana-bhakti, 421, 424 akitava, 423 akşara, 135