Madhva and his School commentary on the Aitareyopanişad was commented upon by Tāmraparņi Srinivāsa, Jaya-tīrtha, Viśveśvara-tīrtha and Nārāyaņa-tīrtha; and Narasimha Yati wrote a separate treatise, the Aitareyopanişad-khandārtha, on which a commentary, the Khandārtha-prakāša, was written by Srīnivāsa-tīrtha. The Kathopanişadbhāsya of Madhva was commented upon by Vedeśa. Vyāsa-tīrtha wrote a commentary, the Kenopanişad-bhāsya-tīkā, on Madhva's Kenopanişad-bhāsya, while Rāghavendra-tirtha wrote a separate work (the Kenopanişad-khandártha). The Chāndogyopanişad-bhāsya of Madhva was commented upon by Vyāsa-tīrtha; Vedeśa and Rāghavendra-tīrtha wrote a separate work, the Chāndogyopanişadkhandārtha. The Talavakāra-bhāsya of Madhva had the following commentaries: the Talavakāra-bhāsya-țīkā, by Vyāsa-tīrtha, and Talabavāra-țippanī, by Vedeśa-bhikṣu; Nrsimha-bhikṣu wrote the Talavakāra-khandārtha-prakāśikā. The Praśnopanişad-bhāsya of Madhva was commented upon by Jaya-tīrtha in the Prašnopanişad-bhāsya-tīkā, which had two commentaries, the Prašnopanişad-bhāsya-țīkā- țippana by Śrīnivāsa-tīrtha. The BỊhadāranyaka-bhāsya of Madhva had commentaries (Brhadāranyakabhāsya-țīkā) by Raghūttama, Vyāsa-tirtha and Srinivāsa-tirtha, and Raghūttama Yati wrote a separate work on it, called the Brhadaranvaka-bhāva-bodha. The Mandukyopanisad-bhāsya of Madhva had two commentaries on it, by Vyāsa-tirtha and Krsnācārya, and Rāghavendra Yati wrote a separate work on it, the Māndūkyakhandārtha. The Mundakopanişad-bhāsya of Madhva has the following commentaries: the Mundakopanişad-bhāsya-țīkā by Vyāsa-tīrtha and Nārāyaṇa-tirtha; Mundakopanişad-bhāsya-țīkāțippanī by Krsnācārya; and Mundakopanişad-bhāsya-vyākhyā by Nộsimha-bhikṣu.
Teachers and Writers of the Madhva School. Historical enquiry about the Madhvas was probably first started by Krşņasvāmī Ayer, with a paper in which he tried to solve the question of the age of Madhval: but he was not in a position to utilize the archaeological data as was done by H. Krsna Šāstrī 2. The conclusions at which he arrived were in some
1 Madhvācārya, a Short Historical Sketch, by C. N. Krşņasvāmi Ayer, M.A. 2 See his article, Epigraphica Indica, vol. vi, pp. 260–8.