Jaina Literature
preserved a list of the succession of their teachers from Mahāvira (sthaviravali, paṭṭāvali, gurvavali) and also many legends about them such as those in the Kalpasūtra, the Parisiṣṭa-parvan of Hemacandra, etc.
The Canonical and other Literature of the Jains.
According to the Jains there were originally two kinds of sacred books, the fourteen Purvas and the eleven Angas. The Purvas continued to be transmitted for some time but were gradually lost. The works known as the eleven Angas are now the oldest parts of the existing Jain canon. The names of these are Acara, Sutrakṛta, Sthāna, Samavāya Bhagavati, Jñātadharmakathas, Upāsakadaśās, Antakṛtadaśās Anuttaraupapātikadaśās, Praśnavyakarana, Vipāka. In addition to these there are the twelve Upangas', the ten Prakirnas2, six Chedasūtras3, Nandi and Anuyogadvāra and four Mulasūtras (Uttaradhyayana, Āvaśyaka, Daśavaikālika, and Pindaniryukti). The Digambaras however assert that these original works have all been lost, and that the present works which pass by the old names are spurious. The original language of these according to the Jains was Ardhamāgadhi, but these suffered attempts at modernization and it is best to call the language of the sacred texts Jaina Prakrit and that of the later works Jaina Mahārāṣṭrī. A large literature of glosses and commentaries has grown up round the sacred texts. And besides these, the Jains possess separate works, which contain systematic expositions of their faith in Prakrit and Sanskrit. Many commentaries have also been written upon these independent treatises. One of the oldest of these treatises is Umāsvāti's Tattvärthadhigamasūtra (1–85 A.D.). Some of the most important later Jaina works on which this chapter is based are Viseṣāvasyakabhāṣya, Jaina Tarkavärttika, with the commentary of Santyācāryya, Dravyasamgraha of Nemicandra (1150 A.D.), Syādvadamañjari of Mallisena (1292 A.D.), Nyāyāvatara of Siddhasena Divakara (533 A.D.), Parikṣāmukhasutralaghuvṛtti of Anantaviryya (1039 A.D.), Prameyakamalamartanda of Prabhā
1 Aupapātika, Rajapraśnīya, Jivabhigama, Prajñāpanā, Jambudvipaprajñapti, Candraprajñapti, Suryaprajñapti, Nirayavali, Kalpāvatamsikā, Puṣpikā, Puspacülikā, Vṛṣṇidaśās.
2 Catuḥsarana, Samstara, Aturapratyākhyāna, Bhaktāparijñā, Tandulavaiyālī, Candavija, Devendrastava, Ganivija, Mahāpratyākhyāna, Virastava.
3 Nisitha, Mahāniśītha, Vyavahāra, Daśašrutas kandha, Bṛhatkalpa, Pañcakalpa.