tattva-jñāna, 143 Tattra-kaustubha, 19 n., 20 Tattra-mārtanda, 115 Tattra-mätykā, 123, 124 Tattva-mukta-kalapa, 119, 120, 122,
124, 131, 251, 256 n., 257 n., 303 n.,
304 n., 346 Tattva-natanitam, 123 Tattra-nirnava, 128 n., 133, 352,
352 n. Tattva-nirupana, 261 Tattra-padati, 123 Tattra-pradipikā, 318 Tattia-prakāśikā, 402 Tatttu-prakūsikā-r'eda-stuti-tikā, 402 Tattra-ratnākara, 119, 128 n., 210,
214 n., 216 n., 226, 227, 228, 229,
232 n., 234 Tattru-ratnūtalı, 124 Tattva-ratnārali-samgraha, 124 Tattva-sangraha, 516 n., 544 n. Tattia-sainkhyāna, 23 Tattia-sandeśa, 124 Tattva-suira, 114, 116, 132, 352 Tattva-sekhara, 135, 136, 137 Tattt'a-śikhă-mani, 124 Tattia-tikā, 105 n., 114, 120, 123 Tattra-traya, 39, 40 n., 41, 43 n., 56,
57, 125 n., 135, 137, 138, 157, 159n., 160 n., 260 n., 261 n.; 'yuhu doc- trine in, 39 n. Tattra-traya-bhāsi'a, 135 Tattva-traya-culuka, 124, 125, 128n. Tattra-traya-culuka-samgraha, 125 Tattra-trava-nirūpana, 128 n. Tattra-traya-pracanda-mūruta, 128 n. Tattra-riveka-ţikū-rivaraņu, i Tattvartha-sāra, 96 n. Tattvārtha-sloka-r'ārtika, 546, 547 n. tatastha, 51, 377 tādātmyā-dhyāsa, 334 tāmasa, 31, 163, 510 tāmasa ahamkāra, 259, 260 tāmasa sästra, 22 tāmisra, 500 Tāmraparni, 63, 95 Tāntric system, 57 Tantric works, 58 Tārāsāropanisad, 13 Tātācārya, 98, 109, 131, 132 Tātācārya-dina-caryā, 131 Tātărya, 129 Tātāyārva, 115, 126 Tātparya-candrikā, 123 Tātparya-dipikā, 114, 116, 118, 123,
132, 380 n. Tautology, 372
Teacher, 62, 102, 122, 124, 182, 235,
400, 405 tejas, 35, 37, 40 n., 49 n., 56, 163, 181,
260, 261; substance, 188 Teleological, 470 Teleology, 30, 261, 459, 472, 473 Telugu Brahmin, 399 Temper, 548 Temple, 17, 18, 58, 69, 96, 104, 111,
121 Temple-building, 17 Temple-gods, 18 Temple-keepers, 121 Temporal, 42, 313, 314, 324, 353;
character, 284, 285, 331, 353; conditions, 343; contiguity, 316; identity, 252; relations, 321; succession,
274 Temporary, 495 Tendency, 30, 34, 45, 51, 210, 288,
349, 449, 550 Tender equality, 84 Tenets, 524 11. Tengalai, 120, 380, 381, 382; school,
120; their difference with the Vadagalai is based on the greater or less
emphasis on prapatti, 86-7 Terms of reference, 419 Test, 341 Testimony, 192, 196, 203, 211, 217,
289, 296, 303, 310, 326, 390, 426,
465, 485, 5+7 “Tettarumtiral," 67 Text, 340, 350, 398, 438, 446 Textual criticism, 388 Theism, 451, 472 Theistic, 189, 196, 480; tendency,
Theological, 303: dogma, 395 Theory, 28, 30, 179, 180, 181, 183,
184, 187, 210, 291, 296, 308, 331, 348, 351, 352, 413, 421, 426, 515 n., 516, 520, 543; illusion, 237, 238,
239, 241; of knowledge, 238 Thesis, 315, 322, 416, 419, 420, 427,
512 Thief, 213 Thing itself, 186 Things, 34, 45 n., 48, 190, 192, 193,
195 "This," 180, 184, 185 n. Thomas, Dr F. 1., 531, 532 Thought, 32, 46, 47, 53, 61, 304,
460 Thought-activity, 44, 50, 51, 53 Thought-experiences, 385 Thought-movement, 44