Nyāya-mañjuri, 203, 204 n., 205 n.,
206 n., 513 n., 516, 519, 535 n.,
536 n., 538 n., 539, 540 n., 547, 548 Nyaya-parisuddhi, 96 n., 119, 123, 125,
127, 128 n., 131, 180, 202 n., 208 n., 209 n., 210, 213 n., 216 n., 219 n., 220 n., 222 n., 223 n., 225 n., 226, 227 n., 228 n., 232 n., 233 n., 234 n.,
235, 236 n., 237 n., 239 n. Nyāya-parisuddhi- yākhyā, 131 Nyāya-ratnāvalī, 131 Nyāya-sāra, 123, 127, 128 n., 202 n.,
203 n., 222 n., 223 n., 237 n., 238 n. Nyāya-siddhāñjana, 117, 123, 126,
128 n., 157 n., 251, 259 n., 261 n.,
280 n., 297, 382, 383 n. Nyāya-siddhānjana-vyākhyā, 117, 126 Nyāya-sudarśana, 119 n., 128 n. Nyāya-sūtra, 76 n., 208, 211-12,
300 n., 512, 513, 517, 539 Nyāya-tattva, 96, 119, 128 n., 233, 235 Nyāya-Vaišeşika, 162, 471 Nyāyāmsta-tarangini, 138 Nattva-tattra-vibhūsana, 133 Nattvopapatti-bhanga, 133 Natva-candrikā, 131 Natra-darpana, 115 Ņatva-tattva-paritrāna, 129
Non-perception, 128, 182, 207, 241,
342, 351, 426 Non-performance, 523 Non-physical, 548 Non-production, 449 Non-relational, 455 Non-sensible, 354 Non-sentient, 54 Non-spiritual characteristics, 172 Non-substance, 251 Non-vedic, 15, 16, 17, 19 Normal caste, 379 Normal duties, 92, 380 North India, 63, 523 Northern India, 103 Nothingness, 36 Notices, 400 n.; of Sanskrit Manu-
scripts, 403 Notion, 297, 298, 300, 310, 324, 337,
341, 343, 349, 351, 353, 418, 443,
538, 542; of validity, 248 Not-self, 409 Not-silver, 183 Nrsimha, 39 n., 40 n. Nșsimhadeva, 122, 123 Nrsimharāja, 123, 131 Nrsimha-rūjīya, 122 Nrsimhasūri, 131 Nysimha-tapini Upanişad, 13 Nșsimhārya, 109, 110 Nrsimhottara-täpini Upanişad, 13 Nuns, 104 nūkhya varga, 502 N.W. Provinces Catalogue, 400 Nyagrodhaśāyin, 40 n. nyāsa, 55, 90, 131 Nyāsa-kārikā, 380 Nyāsa-tilaka, 122, 125, 131, 380 Nyāsa-tilaka-vyākhyā, 122, 125, 380 Nyāsa-vidyā-bhūşana, 132 Nyāsa-vidyārtha-ricāru, 133 Nyāsa-vidyā-vijaya, 127 Nyäsa-timsati, 122, 380 Nyāsarivrti, 131 Nyāya, 9, 128, 131, 153, 154, 157, 203,
204, 206, 207 n., 208, 212 n., 234, 235, 262, 263, 300, 358, 471, 517, 538; categories, 539; logic, 226; objection, 249; refutation of the doctrine of whole and parts by Venkata, 263 et seq.; Venkata's refutation of
atomic theory, 262 et seq. Nyāya-bhāskara, 133 Nyāya-kulisa, 118, 128 n., 184, 186 n.,
250 n., 251 n., 352, 353 n., 354 n.,
355 n., 356 n., 357 n., 358 n., 360 n. Nyāya-kusumāñjali, 1, 539 n.
Object(s), 30, 33, 41, 47, 49, 50, 178,
179, 181, 182, 184, 185 n., 189, 190, 205, 206, 210, 244, 280, 289, 297 n., 298, 307, 309, 311, 312, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 343, 347, 348, 351, 415, 419, 423, 426, 427, 439, 442, 444, 457, 458, 466, 467, 474, 477, 500, 506, 544; its matter according to Venkata and Meghanādāri, 217; of awareness, 231, 318, 319; of knowledge, 241, 243; of
perception, 246, 346 Objection, 298, 299, 303, 308, 315,
316, 317, 320, 321, 333, 343, 392,
408, 409, 417, 418, 422, 437, 477, 537 Objective, 53, 58, 179, 182, 490;
awarenesses, 238; cognition, 9; entities, 188, 247, 360, 362; factors,
236; world, 246 Objectively, 182 n. Objectivity, 315, 325 Obligatory, 441; duty, 124, 137, 293 Observation, 209, 257 Obstacles, 33 Obstruction, 183, 282, 449, 466, 481 Obstructive attitude, 376 Occasion, 47, 60 Occasionalism, 159
7,418, -17% gnitio factors,