Instrumental, 266, 303, 388, 389, 459; agencies, 396; agent, 397, 456; cause, 2, 204, 266, 301, 388, 389, 391, 481, 489
Instrumentality, 247, 308, 391 Instruments, 191, 204, 205, 336, 470, 479; of knowledge, 203 Insult, 173
Integrity, 405
Intellect, 295, 304, 465, 547
Intellectual, 32, 45, 548; operation, 8. 9; powers, 288; state, 387, 438 Intelligence, 10, 26, 154, 166, 175, 178, 192, 193, 483, 537, 548
Intelligent, 26, 29; being, 191, 192 Intelligibility, 438
Intelligible, 419
Intelligizing, 47
Intense self-surrender, 89
Intention, 124
Interest, 89, 441
Intermediary, 203, 257
Intermediate causes, 397
Intermingling, 181
Intermixture, 182
Internal, 426; action, 8; situation, 377;
structure, 389 Interpretation, 40, 108, 195, 196, 306, 351, 471, 475 n., 486, 496, 512, 515, 516
Intimate knowledge, 80
Intoxicated, 79
Intoxicating, 141; emotion, 377 Intoxication, 63 n.; 377; by love, 378 Introspection, 141
Intuited, 442
Intuition, 27, 34, 62, 167, 168, 170, 176, 227, 318, 319, 348, 364, 372, 409, 412, 442, 464, 465, 538 Intuitional experience, 175 Intuitive, 168, 369, 466; experience,
361; knowledge, 68, 214 n., 216; wisdom, 61
Invalid, 236, 278, 326, 411, 417, 440, 477, 479, 537; inference, 208; knowledge, 247; propositions, 202 Invalidity, 201, 202, 248, 347, 348, 356, 458
Invariable, 203, 251, 266, 278, 535, 536, 539; antecedence, 279; antecedent, 277; association, 226, 538; concomitance, 538; priority, 278 Inverse, 37
Involution, 37 Irandam-tiru-vantādi, 134 n.
Irrational, 177 n. Irrationality, 177 n.
Itihasasamuccaya, 20 ittham-bhava, 254 iyad-gunaka, 157 Ikṣaṇa, 413 Iksaty-adhikaraṇa-vicāra, 133 Isopaniṣat, 123
isvara, 47, 128, 129, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 163, 225, 335, 443, 446, 473, 474, 475, 480, 481, 488, 498, 503, 504, 510 Isvara Bhatta, 94 Isvara's body, 157
Isvara-gitä, 460, 474 n., 482, 494 n., 496; its philosophy, 460 et seq., 482 et seq. Isvara-gita-bhāṣya, 285 n., 456 n., 482, 483 n., 484 n. Isvara-gitā-tikā, 450 n.
Isvara-kṛṣṇa, 30, 478, 501 n.
Isvara-mīmāmsā, 124 n.
Isvaramuni, 94, 97
Isvara-pranidhāna, 62 n. Isvara-pujana, 61
Isvara-samhita, 21, 22; its contents, 22 Isvara's will, 159
Jacobi, 524 n., 526 n., 528 n. jada, 452 Jagannatha, 103, 399 Jagannatha Yati, 118, 133 Jaimini, 124, 125, 381 Jain king, 104
Jaina, 304, 525, 537; objection, 393; view, 537
Jaina sutras, 524 n., 526 n. Jainism, 516
Jains, 104, 206, 302, 393, 518, 523, 525 n., 539, 546 jalpa, 512 janye-svara, 473 japa, 13, 62 Jaundiced, 182
Jayanta, 203, 206, 512, 516, 519, 537, 547, 548 Jayatirtha, 111 Jayaditya, 518 Jayakhya, 21, 22 Jayakhya-samhita, 24, 25, 26 n., 27 n., 28, 29, 30, 31 n., 506 n.; corsciousness how possible, 26; creation as Samkhya evolution, 25; emanations of Vasudeva in, 29; God-function of, 29; God, nature of, 27; guna and avidya, 29; knowledge as static and dynamic, 29; liberation only possible through knowledge of ultimate reality, 24; prakrti appears as in