Conflict of knowledge, 212 n. Confusion, 25, 140 Conglomeration, 37, 163, 252, 262,
275, 278, 288 Conjeevaram, 68 Connection, 43 n. Connotation, 299 Conscious, 27, 31, 41, 290, 416, 467,
491; energy, 459; entities, 89; prin
ciple, 29; state, 540, 543, 546 Consciousness, 368, 369, 373, 377,
406, 407, 413, 420, 429, 438, 439, 440, 452, 454, 459, 460, 462, 463, 467, 469, 479, 486, 507, 519, 529, 540, 541, 543, 545, 546, 547, 548,
549; its character, 141, 142 Considerations, 420 Consonance, 44, 58 Consort, 70, 81 Constancy, 29 Constituent conscious-entities, 287 Constituents, 188, 256, 310, 323, 335,
414, 415, 419, 424, 430, 455, 458 Constituted entity, 256 Construction, 191, 195 Contact, 263, 270, 281 n., 316, 453,
466 Container, 456 Contemplation, 68 Contemporary, 131 n., 135 Content, 250 n., 310, 329, 336, 439;
of awareness, 185 n.; of knowledge,
242, 247, 314 Contentions, 211, 311, 315, 348 Contentless, 250, 310, 311 Contentment, 61, 506 Contents of thoughts, 198 Contiguity, 46, 296, 316, 324, 325, 421;
of consciousness, 240, 420 Contraction, 393 Contradiction, 9, 186, 192, 210, 239,
269, 314, 318, 321, 327, 336, 337, 342, 374, 386, 398, 435, 436, 451, 459, 470, 498, 502 n.; of knowledge,
179 Contradictory, 17, 207, 211, 269, 310,
319, 337, 421 Contrary, 322; conclusion, 230 Contributions, 346 Control, 30, 32, 58, 303, 430, 443 n.,
444, 499; of mind, 29 Controller, 99, 200, 386, 415, 429, 430,
451, 478 Controversialist, 406 Controversy, 68, 128, 130, 328, 416 Conviction, 54, 55 Co-operation, 409
Corporeal structure, 431 Correct, 180 Correction, 179 Correspondence, 247, 348, 357; theory,
246 Corroboration, 340, 341, 357 Cosmic, 443 n., 475, 482, 492, 509,
510; affairs, 475; egg, 504; matter,
163 Cosmogony, 515 n. Cosmological, 474 Cotton-secd, 273 Counterpart, 58 Couples, 38 Course, 31, 34, 51, 52, 56, 57 Cow, 234 Cowell, 515 Creation, 25, 27, 36, 38, 42, 45, 50, 51,
52, 56, 58, 116, 158, 182, 188, 192, 195, 196, 302, 443 n., 444, 449, 452, 458, 460, 476, 498, 500, 501, 502,
504, 508 Creative, 50, 465, 473; activity, 452,
454; desire, 48; moment, 472 Creator, 16, 412, 476, 507 Creatures, 447 n. Creed, 433 Criterion, 314 Criticism, 76, 112, 116, 179, 215, 217,
304, 339, 342, 429, 433, 478, 479,
518, 533 Crooked, 158 Cults, 81 Currency, 95 Customs, 2 Cülikopanişad, 480 Cycle, 41, 51, 446, 481, 490 Cymbals, 80
dakşiņa, 381 n. Dakşiņa-kalārya, 381, - 384 Dancer, 85 Dantivarman, 67 danda-niti, 532 dandin, 524 n. Darkness, 178 darśana, 463, 533 Daśaratha, 429, 522 Daśa-śloki, 399, 400, 403 daśāvat, 251 Data, 210, 428 Dattatreya, 40 n. Dattatreyopanişad, 13 Date-juice, 226 Datum, 287 Davids, 515