bhakti-yoga, 89, 91, 100 Bhandarkar, Sir R. G., 64 n., 66, 67,
80 n., 399, 402; Report of the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts 1882
1883, 401 bhantikas, 182 Bharadvāja, 530 Bharadvāja gotra, 98 Bharadvāja lineage, 133, 440 Bharadrāja Samhitā, 379 Bhartshari, 108 Bhartsmitra, 108 Bhart?-prapanca, 108, 471 Bharuchi, 139 Bhatta Bhāskara, 1, 2, 3 n. Bhațţanātha, 137, 138 Bhattārakaguru, 210, 214 n., 226, 229,
234; his view of doubt, 210 Bhattārya, 134 Bhattoji Dikşita, 1, 19 n.; speaking of
Bhāskara, I Bhagavata cult, 19 Bhāgavata school, 3 n. Bhāgavata-māhātmya, 63 Bhāgavata-purāņa, 40 n., 63, 63 n., 66,
67, 80 n., 81, 402, 451, 518 Bhāgavata-yoga, 24, 32 Bhāgavatas, 2, 15, 17, 19, 20, 71, 450,
475 n., 518 n., 527 n.; not low castes,
duties, 9; mukti, way to, 10; relation of Brahma-sūtra with Mimūmsăsūtra, his concept of, 7; relation to Pancarätras, p. 2; sat cit and ananta, identity of, 10; soul nature of, 7; soul relation with God, 7; substance and qualities, view of, 10; Sankara, refutation of, 4-5; transcendent Brahman, nature of, 10; world as
spiritual, 10 Bhāskara Bhatta, 3 Bhāskara-bhāşya, 2 n., 4, 6 n., 7,
8 n. Bhāskaradeva, 3 n. Bhaskaradikşita, 3 n. Bhāskaramiśra, 3 n. Bhāskaranţsimha, 3 n. Bhaskarasena, 3 n. Bhāskaraśāstri, 3 n. Bhāskarācārya, 3 Bhāskarācārya, Pandita, 3 n. Bhaskarānandanātha, 3 n. Bhāskarāranya, 3 n. Bhāskarites, 431 bhāsya. 88 n., 107 n., 108, 109, 113,
114, 115, 116, 118, 138, 139, 181 n.,
196, 298, 352, 395, 400, 514 bhāşya-kära, 108 Bhāsya-prakāśikā-düşaņoddhāra, 114 Bhāsya-vivarana, 128 bhāsvopodghāta, 106 Bhāțţa, 248 Bhāudāji, Dr 3 bhāva, 52 bhäva-jā, 29 bhāvaka, 50, 51, 53 Bhāva-prabodha, 114 n., 125 Bhāva-pradīpikā, 116, 131 Bhāva-prakāśa, 122 Bhāva-prakāśikā, 114, 122, 131 Bhāva-prakāśikā-dūşaņoddhāra, 130 bhāva-rūpā'-jñana, 361 bhāvya, 50, 51, 53 bheda, 6, 194, 223, 417 Bheda-darpaņa, 115, 384, 388, 392 Bheda-mani, 115 n., 384 Bheda-vāda, 133 bheda-vādi, 401 bhedābheda, 1, 28, 105, 107, 406, 413,
471, 472 Bhedā-bheda-vāda, 405 Bheda-dhikkāra-nyakkāra, 122 bhedāgraha, 186 Bhiksu, 281 n., 448, 450, 451, 452,
456, 460, 465, 466, 467, 468, 471, 472, 473, 474, 477, 478, 479, 487,
Bhāguri, 516, 531 Bhāmati, 4, 196, 196 n., 476 Bhāskara, 1, 2, 3, 3 n., 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,
106, 108, 113, 124, 155, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 201, 301, 305, 413, 429, 433, 434, 472, 497; a tri-dandin, I; bhakti, nature of, 10; Brahman as transcendent, 10; Brahman not exhausted in transformation, 10; deeds, relation of, with knowledge, 7; difference between his view and that of Sankara, 2; epistemology distinguished from Sankara, 9; his bhedābheda concept, 6; his causality view of, 4-5; his date, 3; his difference with Kum- ärila, 8; his sea and wave illustration, 6; his view, God and soul re- lation of, 6; his view of Brahman, 301; his view of God, 155; his views contrasted with those of Rāmānuja, 192 et seq.; his view's criticized from the Nimbārka point of view, 431 et seq.; jivan-mukti, denial of, 10-II; jñāna-samuccita-karma, his view of, 8; knowledge, his view of, 8; liberation, nature of, 9; liberation of