Kūrma Purāņa -sabda, sparsa, rūpa and rasa. These four qualities entered smellpotential, from which sprang into existence gross bhūmi (the earth), which has all the five qualities of sabda, sparsa, rūpa, rasa, and gandha.
Mahat, ahamkāra and the five tanmātras are in themselves unable to produce the orderly universe, which is effected through the superintendence of the puruşa (puruṣā-dhisthitatvāc ca) and by the help of avyakta (avyaktā-nugraheņa). The universe thus created has seven coverings. The production of the universe, and its maintenance and ultimate dissolution, are all effected through the playful activity (sva-līlayā) of God for the benefit of his devotees?.
1 The God is called Nārāyaṇa, because He is the ultimate support of all human beings: narāṇām ayanam yasmāt tena nārāyanas smặtah.
Kūrma Purāna, Iv. 62.