The l'isista-dvaita School
who wrote a work called Tyaga-sabdārtha-tippani; Śrīśaila Rāghavārya, grandson of Venkatanatha, who wrote a Vedanta-kaustubha; Śrīśailadāsa, son of Rangadāsa, who wrote Siddhanta-samgraha; Sundararajadeśika, author of Brahma-sūtra-bhāṣya-vyākhyā (an elementary commentary). These minor writers flourished probably in the sixteenth, seventeeth and eighteenth centuries.
Śrīnivāsa-dikṣita, son of Srisaila Śrīnivāsa Tātayārya, grandson of Annayarya, and a pupil of Acarya-dikṣita, wrote a work called Virodha-varuthini-pramathini. This must be distinguished from the Virodha-varuthini-pramathini of Rangacārya dealt with in a different section. Śrīnivāsa-sudhi also wrote Brahma-jñāna-nirāsa, which records the controversy which the author had with Tryambaka Pandita, a follower of Sankara. It generally follows a line of argument adapted in the Sata-duṣaṇi in refuting the monistic Vedanta of Sankara. It is difficult to say whether the works Naya-manikalikā, Lakṣmaṇārya-siddhānta-samgraha, and Hari-guna-maṇimālā should be attributed to this author or to the Srinivasa who wrote the Virodha-nirodha.
Sudarśana Sūri, who lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, of the lineage of Harita, son of Vagvijaya and pupil of Vatsya Varada, has been already mentioned. He wrote a treatise on the commentary of Ramanuja from whose works all succeeding writers drew their inspiration. The title of his commentary is Śruta-prakāśikā, which incorporates, often word for word, what he heard from his teacher Vatsya Varada'. He also wrote a Sandhyāvandana-bhāṣya, Vedānta-samgraha-tātparya-dīpikā, a commentary on the Vedartha-samgraha of Rāmānuja, and another work, called Śruta-pradipikā. He was often called Vedavyāsa Bhaṭṭārya. This Sudarsana must be distinguished from Sudarśanaguru who wrote a commentary on the Vedanta-vijaya of Mahācārya. Śathakopa muni, who was a pupil of Saṭhāri Sūri and often known as Sathakopa Yati, lived probably towards the end of the sixteenth century. He wrote the following works: Brahma-lakṣaṇa-vākyārthasamgraha, Brahma-śabdārtha-vicāra, l ́ākyārtha-samgraha, Brahmasūtrārtha-samgraha, Brahma-lakṣaṇa-vākyārtha, Divya-prabandha and Bhāva-prakāśikā-duṣaṇoddhāra. The last work is an attempt at
gurubhyo' rthaḥ śrutaḥ sabdais tat-prayuktais ca yojitaḥ saukaryaya bubhūtsūnām sumkalayya prakasyate.
Introductory verses to the Śruta-prakāśikā.