Water, 74, 187, 194, 302, 331-334, 347,
349, 352, 357-360, 362, 364, 367,
501; channels, 348 Watery, 331, 357, 359; character, 331 Way, 115, 367 Weak, 338 Wealth, 510 Weber, Dr Albrecht, 288 n., 486 n. Well-being, 509 Whirlwind, 408 White, 349; leprosy, 282 Whitney, W.D., 340 n. Whole, 20, 40, 152, 157, 187 Will, 149, 248, 402, 415; force of, 264;
to live, 414 Willing, 263 Will-power, 242 Windpipe, 286 Winter, 327, 335, 370 Wisdom, 24, 257, 442, 444, 491, 494,
500, 502, 504, 505, 514, 530, 532 Wise, 378, 531 Wish, 497 World, 1, 3, 11, 51, 114, 230, 236 World-appearance, 1, 5, 9-12, 19, 45,
46, 48, 55, 74, 98, 101, 105, 106, 110, 111, 117, 118, 147, 152, 168, 170, 215, 217, 221, 224, 230, 233-236,
239-245, 256, 268 World-construction, 21 World-creation, 39, 42, 242 World-experience, 3, 4, 170 Worldly life, 521 World-manifestation, 410n. World-objects, 21, 28, 36 World-order, 533 World-phenomena, 50 World-process, 73, 170 Worms, 297, 298, 300 Worship, 537 Wounds, 330 Wrath, 497 Wrong construction, 154 Wrong notion, 9 Wrong perception, 137
yasmin sūnyam jagat sthitam, 234 Yaśomitra, 58 n., 62 yathärthānubhava, 213 yatharthānubhavah pramā, 133, 212 yathā-vidhi, 294, 295 Yaugācāryas, 120 Yādava, 541, 543 Yadavābhyudaya, 220 Yādavābhyudaya-țīkā, 220 Yadavānanda Nyāyācārya, 225 n. Yājñavalkya, 107, 252, 286 n. I Yājñavalkya-Dharma-śāstra, 279 n. Yamunācārya, 439-441, 541, 546, 547 yātudhānas, 296, 300 Yellow, 27, 176, 330; awareness, 70,
71 Yellowness, 143 Yoga, 107, 109, 250, 258, 265, 356,
389, 390, 415, 439, 440, 443-445, 447, 451-453, 456, 457, 460, 461, 466, 467, 489, 499, 504, 512, 514, 519, 547; concept of God criticized,
177; springs of action in, 414 yoga-dhāraņā, 449 n. 2 Yoga discipline, 242 Yoga literature, 354 n. Yoga practices, 273, 436, 440, 448,
Yoga processes, 453 yoga-sevā, 450 Yoga-sūtra, 5 n., 251, 265, 304 n., 403,
408, 443, 451, 461, 549 Yoga-sūtra-bhāşya, 87 Yoga system, 436 yoga-śataka, 425, 436 Yoga Upanişads, 455, 461 yoga-vähitvāt, 332 n. Yoga-vārttika, 262, 355 Yoga-vūsiştha, 17, 57 n., 228, 230 n.,
231-234, 237, 240, 246, 247, 250 n., 251-254, 259, 263, 264 n., 265-268, 270-272, 402 n.; citta and movement, 258; conception of jīvanmukti, 245 ff.; denial of daiva in, 255; energy and its evolution, 343 ff.; energy and world-appearance, 243 ff.; estimate of its philosophy, 271, 272; free-will and destiny, 253; its doctrine of prārabdha-karma, 246, 247; its idealism compared with that of Prakāśānanda, 270, 271; its idealism compared with that of Sankara and Buddhist idealism, 268 ff.; jivan-mukti and Nyāya emancipation, 248; jivan-mukti and the Prabhākara idea of emanicpation, 249; jivan-mukti and the Sāmkhya idea of emancipation, 249, 250; ji
yad antar-jñeya-rūpam, 27 n. yadycchā, 372, 410 yajña, 292 n., 448, 487, 488 yajña-vidaḥ, 448 Yajñeśvara Makhindra, 218 n. Yajus, 274, 390, 526 Yakkha, 539 J'akna, 288 yakşas, 283, 468 yakşman, 297 n. 5, 298 Yama, 251, 311, 432, 454, 455, 491 yantra, 257