Tattvāloka, 49, 50, 193 Tattvānusandhāna, 56 Tattvopadeśa, 81 Taxila, 276, 424 Taylor, 219 tādātmya, 31 n., 183 tādātmya-pratīti, 40 tālu, 287 n. 4 tālu-müla, 288 n. I tāluşaka, 287 n. 4 tāmasa, 373, 468 tāmasika, 367 tāmrā, 317 Tāntric charms, 281 Tānda, 283 Tārā-bhakti-tarangini, 225 Tātparyu-bodhini, 216 n. Tātparya-candrikā, 441 Tätparya-prakāśa, 231, 235 n., 266 Tätparya-țīkā, 107 Teacher, 254, 378, 420, 513, 534 Teaching, 378, 505 Technical term, 377 Teeth, 326 n. tejas, 236, 241, 245, 312, 313, 362,
505 n., 510 Tejo-bindu, 454 tejo-dhātu, 397 Tekka Matha, 49 Telang, K, T., 122, 123, 549, 550 Temperament, 378 Temples, 287 Temporal, 15, 16, 342; bones, 287
n. 5; determinations, 187 Temptation, 501 Tendons, 348, 501, 510, 511, 516 Term, 373 Terminology, 14 Testicles, 318 Testimony, 39, 114, 170, 373 Texts, 17 Theist, 226 Theistic, 1 Theology, 525 Theory, 357, 501; of creation, 194;
of momentariness, 31; of pain, 91; of perception, 168; of substances, 371 Thesis, 19, 21, 29, 163, 165, 166, 170,
183, 189, 194, 232, 387 Thickness, 360 Thing, 359 n., 498, 510 Third Oriental Conference, in. Thirst, 335 n., 348 Thoracic vertebrae, 286 n., 287 n. I 'Thought, 23, 189, 191, 236, 266, 302,
367, 373, 405, 414 Thought-activity, 235, 240, 272 Thought-creation, 235 n., 244
Thoughtfulness, 513 Thought-movement, 235 n., 254 Thought-principle, 35 Thought-processes, 21, 256, 369 Thought-stuff, 29 Thought-substance, 24 Throat, 331, 348, 361, 365 Tibet, 164 Tibetan, 59 n., 164 Tibia, 285 n. 6 Tiger, 509, 513 tikta, 312 n. 3, 350, 357, 358 Tilak, 550, 551 n. Tilakas vāmin, 107 Time, 68, 148, 156, 157, 187, 194, 321,
358, 360, 369, 370, 372; and space,
266 Tirumalai Nayaka, 219 tiryag-ga, 351 tīkşņa, 359, 361 tīvratara, 251 tīurā, 291 Tongue, 326 n., 331, 348, 367 Topic, 377 Tortoise, 109 Touch, 194, 236, 355, 358, 360 Toxicology, 435 toya, 333 Trachea, 286 n. 2 Trade, 505 n. Tradition, 78, 102, 377 Tranquillity, 229 Transcendence, 512 Transcendent, 21, 22, 524, 526; re
ality, 16; self, 10, 368; state, 455 Transcendental, 168; principle, 72 Transformation of Brahman, 42 Transformations, 20-23, 25, 35, 36, 38, 51, 88, 104, 114, 171, 177, 198, 206, 207, 210, 211, 221, 224, 232, 233, 332, 347, 501 Transgression, 100, 275, 405, 422, 505 Transitory, 490 Transmigration, 372, 411 Transparent, 337 n. trasareņu, 157 Trayyanta-bhāva-pradīpikā, 52 n. Tretā age, 409, 410 Triads, 306 Trickery, 378 trika, 285 n. 7 trika-sambaddhe, 286 n. 4 tri-kāla, 375 Trilocana, 107 Trilocanaguru, 107 Trimśikā, 21, 22 n., 25, 26 n., 29, 35 Trinity College, 14 Trinity Street, 14