Spider, 74, 178 Spider's webs, 178 Spinal column, 287 n., 352, 353 Spinal cord, 353, 355-357 Spine, 353 n. Spiral, 355 Spirit, 234, 282 Spiritual categories, 467 Spleen, 288, 348 Spring, 335, 370 Springs of action, 411, 413 sprhā, 413 srotas, 291, 346-350, 352 Stabilized, 500 Stage, 236, 238 stana, 286 Star, 333 State, 236, 250; of deep sleep, 245 Statical, 234 Stcherbatsky, 58 n., 59 n., 61 n., 166 n. Steadiness, 328, 360, 419, 505, 510; of
mind, 492 Steady, 491 Sternum, 286 n. sthairya, 419 Sthairya-vicāraṇa, 126 sthavirāntra, 289 sthālakas, 286 n. 3 sthālakārbudas, 286 n. 3 sthāna-vijnapti, 23 sthānāni, 336 sthāpana, 452 sthāpanā, 379 sthira, 241, 359 n. Sthiramati, 19, 21, 22 n. sthira-pratyaya, 240 Sthira-siddhi-dūşaņa, 49 sthita-dhi, 440, 491 sthita-prājña, 247, 491 sthiti, 18, 169, 177, 231 sthūla, 337 n., 359 n. stimita-gambhira, 232 Stomach, 330, 331, 336, 362 Stone, 512 Stormy, 408 Straightness of conduct, 511 Strength, 327, 336 stri-karmāņi, 296 Student, 505 Studies in the Medicine of Ancient India,
279 n., 284 n., 286 n. Study, 505, 510, 514 Stuff, 10; of world-objects, 35 Suali, L., 398 n. Sub-conscious, 21, 33, 34; impressions,
33, 250 Subhesaja, 276 n. subhişaktama, 293
Subhūti Gautama, 316 Subject, 27, 29, 31, 35, 88 Subject-consciousness, 149, 211 Subjective, 22, 24, 180, 187, 204, 377,
508, 522; act, 197; character, 522; cognition, 19; conscience, 522; ego, 236; experiences, 102, 149; ideas, 21, 48; idealism, 48; ignorance, 77; illumination, 206; mental, 16; same
ness, 511; states, 149; thought, 236 Subjectively, 217, 233 Subjectivistic, 213 Subjectivity, 9 Subject-object awareness, 29, 33 Subject-object consciousness, 24 Subject-object knowledge, 250, 266 Subject-objectless, 235, 238, 271 Subject-object relation, 88, 105, 144,
146, 152, 153 Subodhini, 55, 73, 75 n., 115, 443 Subrahmanya, 81 Subrahmanya Agnicin Makhindra,82n. Substance, 19, 47, 51, 117, 143, 158,
161, 162, 167, 172, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194, 203, 261, 358–360, 363,
369-371, 373 Substanceless, 16, 233 Substance-stuff, 12 Substantial, 337 n. Substantiality, 38, 48 Substantive, 187; basis, 23; reality, 20 Substitution-meditation,449, 452, 479,
488 Substratum, 19, 194, 195 Subtle, 332, 377; states, 245 Subtle body, 75, 245, 302, 306, 351 n.;
in Sāmkhya-yoga, Vaišeşika and Nyāya, 304-306; agreement of the
Vedānta and Caraka, 312 Subtler, 368 Success, 512 Succession, 20, 156, 179 Successive processes, 374 Sudhindra Yati, 443 Suffering, 238, 247, 368, 373, 404, 479,
522 Sufficient cause, 18 Sugar-cane, 361 suhrt, 378 Suitability, 370 Suitable, 370 sukha, 22, 277, 370, 422 sukha-duḥkhe yugapaj janyete, 91 sukham āyuh, 277 Sukhaprakāśa Muni, 58, 86, 116, 148 n. sukha-rūpa, 217 sukha-sanga, 462 Sumati, 172