sādhya, 139, 380, 381 n., 388 n. sādhya-sama, 386 n., 387 sädhyābhāvavad-avrttitvam, 120 Sāhasānka-carita, 428 Säketa (city), 540 sākşi consciousness, 214 sāksin, 53, 154 Sāma, 274 sāmagrī, 161, 164 Sāman, 526 samarthyātiśaya, 97 sāmānya, 371, 397 sāmānya-chala, 385, 386 sāmānya-pratyāsatti, 139 sāmānyato-drsta, 398, 399, 400 n. Sāmin, 57 n. Sāmkhya, 36, 37, 42, 74, 89 n., 101,
107, 115, 165, 172-175, 181, 227, 242, 250, 260, 292, 300, 304, 312, 314, 328 n., 329 n., 332, 372, 388 n., 394, 410, 411, 414, 451, 455-458, 461, 463, 465, 467, 468, 472, 473, 475-477, 493, 517, 518, 549, 550; arguments, 173; its general criticisms by Kamalaśīla, 175; philosophy, 273 n., 428; physics, 273; prakyti, 74; refutation of its soul theory by Kamalasila, 181; system,
366 Sāmkhya and Nyāya, on the theory of
dosas, 328, 329 n. Sāmkhya-kārikā, 80, 106, 116, 249,
250 n., 262, 304, 377, 400 n. Sāmkhya parināma, criticisms of, by
Sāntarakṣita and Kamalasila, 171 ff. Sāmkhya-pravacana-bhāsya, 262, 305,
306 n. 1 Sāmkhya-sūtra, 250, 372 Sāmkhya-tattva-kaumudi, 45 n., 305 n. Samkhya-Yoga, 261, 262, 310, 313 n.,
414, 546; its doctrine of subtle body, 304, 305; its idea of emancipation,
249, 250; prāņa in, 261, 262 Sāmkhyic, 311 Sāmkhyist, 165, 171, 173, 234, 517 Sāmrājya-siddhi, 56 sāndra, 359 n. sära, 359 n. sārajjanā, 497 sārajjitattam, 497 Sāranga, 123 Sārasvata-prakriyā, 192 sārāgo, 497 Sārārtha, 99 sātmya, 308 sāttvika, 367, 373, 468 Sātvata, 541-543, 546, 547 Sātyaki, 541
Sätyaki-tantra, 435 Sāyaṇa, 79, 187, 215, 280 n., 281, 283,
288 n., 289, 290, 292, 293, 298 n.,
299, 344 n., 345 n., 346 Scapula, 286 n. 4 Scattering, 337 n. Sceptical, 498 n. Scheme of life, 415 Scholastic, 11, 124; logicism, 124 Scholasticism, 119 Science, 73; of life, 278 Scriptural command, 522 Scriptural injunction, 228 Scriptural text, 252 Scriptures, 114, 253, 267 Seal, Dr Sir B. N., 356 n., 483 11.,
506 n. Seasons, 389 Seat of consciousness, 302 Second moon, 26 Secretions, 288 n., 325, 327, 331, 337
339, 345 Secretive aspect, 331 Secretory character, 337 n. Secretory currents, 346 Seed, 160, 185, 235 Seeds of memory, 187 Seeming appearances, 235 Self, 1, 8, 16, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 42, 65,
68, 71, 73, 76, 101, 112, 148, 152, 156, 180, 181, 194, 197, 206 n., 211, 215, 217, 223, 308-310, 343, 351, 367-369, 373, 387, 388, 401, 444446, 462, 471, 473, 512, 516, 518,
525 Self-abnegation, 228 Self-alienation, 240 Self-cognizing, 74 Self-conscious, 235; ego, 238 Self-consciousness, 22, 68, 181, 195, - 236 Self-contained, 14; state, 239 Self-contentedness, 477 Self-contradiction, 123 Self-control, 242, 244, 277, 373, 441,
448, 493, 500, 505, 513, 514 Self-controlled, 420 Self-criticism, 272 Self-dependence, 17 Self-directed, 236; consciousness, 236 Self-dissociated, 121 Self-evident, 13, 16, 483 Self-flashing, 236 Self-gain, 507 Self-good, 405 Self-hood, 24 Self-identity, 34, 66-68, 71 Self-illumination, 148