prajñāparādha, 321, 339, 45, 4I5
418, 422
phhan, 288 Pluralistic experience, 204 Plurality, 38, 39, 95, 161, 195; of
causes, 161 Points of dispute, 389 Poison, 359 n., 361, 497 Polemic, 126, 127 Polemical, 204 Poles, 208 Politics, 385 Polluting agents, 326–328 Pollution, 408, 409 Popular belief, 377 Positive, 47; cause, 197; entity, 182;
experience, 154; knowledge, 154;
quality, 152; unity, 153 Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus,
253 n., 356 n. Positivity, 193 Possession, 158 Postures, 455 poșaka-rasa, 323 n. Potency, 8, 31, 175, 359, 361-363,
370 Potency-in-chief, 364 Potential, 23 n.; ajñāna, 53; energy,
356 Potentialities, 24 Potter, 249 Potter's wheel, 246 Power, 8, 22, 215, 243, 510; of con
trolling others, 505 n.; of produc
tivity, 26 n. Prabandha-parisodhini, 52 n. Prabhākara, 66, 67, 69, 147, 154, 155,
197, 249, 483, 515; his analysis of illusion, 154; his idea of emanci
pation, 249 prabhāva, 323, 362, 364-366 Prabodha-candrikā, 443 Prabodha-cundrodaya nataka, 220 Practical action, 152 Practical discipline, soo Practical movement, 155 Practice, 487, 500, 514 pradeśa, 389, 391 pradhāna, 172, 370, 440 Pradyumna, 543, 545 Pragalbha Miśra, 126 n. Pragmatic, 377; basis, 152 Praise, 512 praisya-praisayoh sambandhaḥ, 481 prajāḥ, 292 n. Prajāpati, 484 prajñapti-sat, 58 prajĩa, 24, 265, 49, 5o4, 548 Prajnakara Gupta, 49 Prajñānănanda, 79, 196
Prakarana-pañcikā, 249 prakarana-sama, 380n., 382n., 386,387 Prakațārtha-vivarana, 46, 49, 50, 72,
196-198, 205, 206, 213; its philo
sophy, dates, etc., 196-198 prakāśa-heyatvāt, 197 Prakāśānanda, 17-19, 31 n., 52, 53,
55, 56, 84, 221, 223-225, 270; Brahma and the world in, 224; discussions regarding awareness in, 1719; discussions regarding subjective idealism in, 17; māyā in, 224; nature of ajñāna in, 222; nature of ananda in, 223; negative dialectics of, 18, 19; quarrel with Vasubandhu of, 19; theory of causality in, 221-223; view-point of his work, 220, 221;
works of, 225 Prakāśānubhavānanda, 17n. Prakāśātman, 9, 10, 17, 30, 33, 82, 84,
89, 103-106, 118, 148, 149, 151, 193, 208-210, 214, 222-224, 234; his quarrel with the Buddhists regard
ing nature of objects, 30, 31 Prakāśātma-śrl-caranaih, 104 prakopa, 335 n. prakyti, 42, 72, 101, 104, 109, 175, 177,
181, 238, 239, 250, 258, 265, 272, 334, 335, 372, 388, 410, 440, 455, 457, 461-465, 467, 473, 477, 478,
482, 515, 516, 525, 526, 533, 534 prakyti-dosas, 335 n. prakti-māna, 335 n. prakrtim yānti māmikäm, 526 pralaya, 37, 48, 191 pramā, 128, 137, 194, 206, 212, 213 pramāda, 413 pramāņa, 77, 128, 137, 167, 194, 204,
222, 254, 373, 375, 376, 379, 380, - 384 n. pramāņa-caitanya, 207, 208 Pramana-mañjari, 120, 124 Pramāņa-mālā, 12, 13, 51, 116, 118,
148, 192 pramāņa-samuccaya, 44 Pramāņa-vārttikālankāra, 49 Pramāna-vārttikälankāra-ţikā, 49 Pramāņa-vidhvamsana, 398 n. Pramäņa-vidhvamsana-sambhāşita-vr
tti, 398 n. Pramāna-vrtti-nirnaya, 198 pramāty, 77, 105 prameha, 343 n. Prameya-dipikā, 442 prameyatvāt, 121