Jñanaghana, 82 n. jñāna-karma-samuccaya, 44, IOO jñāna-nādi, 355 jñāna-pratisandhātā, 368 Jnana-samkalini, 354, 355 jñāna-samskāra, 250 jñāna-sāra, 232 jñāna-siddhi, 148 n. jñānavati, 378 Fñāna-vāsiştha, 231 jñāna-visayīkytena rūpeņa sādrśyam,
134 jñāna-yoga, 441, 442, 456, 487, 529 Jñãnằmrta, 99 Jñānāmsta Yati, 78 Jñānārņava, 432 Jñanendra Sarasvati, 54, 79 jñānin, 531 Jñānottama, 58, 87 n., 98, 99, 148 n.,
198 Jñānottama Bhattāraka, 82 n. Jñanottama Miśra, 48 jñātată, 152, 211 jñātur jñeya-sambandhaḥ, 105 Jobares, 543 Joint causality, 177 Joint nature, 184 Joint operation, 472 Joints, 331, 336, 348 Joy, 333, 373, 467, 495, 504, 511,
512 Judgments, 341 Jug, 143, 151 juhvati, 448 jvara, 296 jyotih-sthāna, 318 Jyotis, 275 n. jyotişa, 547
against the non-permanency of entities answered by, 185 ff.; Yogasena's criticisms against the doctrine of momentariness answered by, 184; his criticism of the concept of God, 176 ff.; his criticism of the concept of Isvara or God, 176 ff.; his treatment of the different views of the nature of momentariness, 186; his criticism of the doctrine of soul (Nyāya), 178, 179; his criticism of the soul theory of Kumārila, 179 ff.; his criticism of the Yoga concept of God, 177 ff.; his doctrine of momentariness, 182 ff.; his refutation of Nyāya-Vaiseșika categories, 187 ff.; his refutation of the Samkhya theory of soul, 181; his refutation of the theory of the persistence of entities, 182 ff.; his refutation of the Upanişad theory of self, 181; his theory of causal efficiency (artha
kriyā-samarthā), 183 ff. Kamalasila and Säntarakşita, their
criticisms of the Sāmkhya doctrine of pariņāma, 172 ff.; writers mentioned in their work Tattva-sam
graha and its Pañjikā, 171 Kambalāśvatara, 171 kamma, 500 Kanauj, 126 Kanha, 541, 544 Kanhāyana, 544 Kaņāda, 370 Kanāda-sūtra-mibandha, 123 kandarā, 324, 352 Kaniska, 429 n. I, 431 kantha, 353 n. kantha-nādi, 286 n. 2 kanthorasoḥ sandhiḥ, 348 n. kapālam, 287 kapālikā, 285 n. 4 kapha, 257 n. 2, 300, 317, 325-331,
333, 334, 335 n., 336, 337, 339,
350-352, 361, 365, 392 kaphoda, 286 n. 4 kaphodau, 286 Kapila, 410 n., 477 Kapilabala, 429 Kapila-Samkhya, 458 Kapila-tantra, 435 karana, 389 karana-sakti-pratiniyamāt, 174 Karatha, 432 Karavirya, 424 Karāla-tantra, 435 karma, 101, 104, 185-188, 237-239,
243, 249, 253, 255, 256, 302, 310,
Kahola-brāhmaṇa, 251 kaivalya, 251, 454 Kaivalya-kalpadruma, 56 Kaivalyānanda Sarasvati, 443 Kaivalyananda Yogindra, 56 Kaivalyäśrama, 79 kakātikā, 287 Kaksapuța-tantra, 426 Kakubha, 300 kalpa, 275 n., 526, 547 kalpanā, 90, 238, 239, 312 n., 314,
370 Kalpa-sthāna, 424, 429 Kalpa-taru, 52 Kalyāņa Bhatta, 443 Kamalajanayana, 225 n. Kamalaśila, 25, 27 n., 28, 31 n., 171,
172, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181–185, 186 n., 187, 188, 375, 376; criticisms