Index, 148 n.
India, 402
Indian anatomists, 286 n. 2 Indian Antiquary, 550 Indian Interpreter, The, 550 Indian literature, 256 Indian medical men, 377 Indian Medicine, 423, 436 Indian philosophy, 119, 227, 273, 369, 377,395, 414, 417; pessimism in, 414 Indian thought, 375, 376 n., 408, 421 Indifference, 246, 501 Indigestion, 348 Indignation, 333, 497 Indische Studien, 288 n. 2 Indispensable, 18, 523 Indistinguishable, 377 Individual, 33, 58-60, 115, 131, 139, 159, 189, 369; consciousness, 77; good, 485; ignorance, 84; members, 188; persons, 84, 109; self, 75; soul, 72, 205 n.
Individuality, 449
Indivisible, 157, 199
Indo-Iranian, 295 n. I
Indra, 229, 295 n. 3, 304, 328, 433
indrajāla, 244
Indra-vişņu, 535
indriya, 23, 238, 239, 366 indriya-dharana, 494 indriya-nigraha, 505 indriya-vijaya, 405 Indu, 304, 328, 433 Induction, 148 Indulgence, 509 Inequality, 229
Inert, 337 n. Inertia, 360 Inexhaustible, 356 Inexplicable, 20, 29, 48, 156, 158, 185 Inference, 18, 26 n., 32, 63, 66, 68, 72,
106, 118, 120, 129, 139, 141, 148, 159, 167, 176, 192, 194, 198, 213, 302, 365, 373-376, 380, 396, 398, 408
Inferential, 77; cognition, 135; knowledge, 18
Inferior, 378
Inferiority, 370, 401 n.
Infinite, 16, 63, 73, 113, 454; consciousness, 77; differences, 132; number, 358; regressus, 202; time, 132
Inflammation, 282
Inhalation, 258, 259, 449, 459, 460 Inherence, 360
Inherent, 22; movement, 20 Inhering cause, 144
Initiation, 547 Injunction, 509, 520 Inner change, 22 Inner consciousness, 26 n. Inner dynamic, 24 Inner law of thought, 29 Inner psychoses, 22 Inner states, 185 Inoperative, 177, 269 Inscriptions, S.I., 219 Insects, 409
Insensible, 254
Inseparable, 191, 374; inherence, 183,
Inseparableness, 191; of character, 191; of space, 191; relation, 360; relation of inherence, 40 Insomnia, 337 n. Inspiration, 262
Instinctive passions, 252
Instinctive subconscious roots, 26 Instincts, 415
Instructions, 21, 229, 501
Instrument, 45
Instrumental cause, 12, 360, 372,
Instrumentality, 11, 112 Instruments of cognition, 137 Intellect, 75, 373, 406 Intellectual, 378; states, 179
Intelligence, 89, 268, 320, 321, 360,
369, 373, 375, 504, 516 Intelligent, 36, 38 Intelligible, 36
Intense, 251 Intention, 497
Interdependence, 7, 8, 22 Interdependent origination, 3 n.
Internal canals, 289
Internal organ, 310 n. 2 Interpretation, 1, 356 Intervening, 144
Intestine, 288, 297, 348, 351 Intimate relation, 40 Intoxicating drinks, 498 Intrinsically, 242
Intrinsic difference, 201 Introduction, 49
Intuitive, 73; consciousness, 154, 199; perception, 113
Invalid, 18, 141, 184, 186 Invariability, 31 n. Invariable, 172, 186; antecedence, 145, 186, 326, 386, 398; concomitance, 139-142, 148; connection, 176; power, 185; prognostication, 397 Invariably and unconditionally asso
ciated, 380